FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - SUSFOOD2, new call for proposals

The ERA-NET Cofund SUSFOOD2 Call for proposal is now open. Food research

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The ERA-NET Cofund SUSFOOD2 - “SUStainable FOOD production and consumption” - started in January 2017 and is the continuation of the FP7 ERA-NET SUSFOOD (2011 - 2014).

The strategic goal of SUSFOOD2 complements the EU bioeconomy and food policies, and aims to reinforce cooperation in research, development and innovation between EU members and associated States in order to maximize the contribution of research to the development of more sustainable food systems from production to consumption.

The following partner countries will provide funds to the call: Belgium (Flanders), Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, and UK.

Project consortia will be able to submit “Research” or “Research and Innovation” proposals:

  • 1.“Research” Project consortia are expected to be formed only by research organizations
  • 2.“Research and Innovation” Project consortia are expected to be formed by research organizations and industry (enterprises)

Research/Research and Innovation project consortia must apply to one of the four topics:

  • Topic 1: Innovation in food processing technologies and products
  • Topic 2: Providing added value, increased resource efficiency and reduction of waste in sustainable food systems
  • Topic 3: Understanding consumer behavior and food choices
  • Topic 4: Harmonisation of the methods and metrics for integrated assessment of sustainability of food products and food patterns

The transnational consortium must consist of at least three independent eligible legal entities from at least three SUSFOOD2 partner countries.

The call has an indicative budget of 14 million of euros, including a co-funding of approximately 4 million of euros by the European Commission, for Research collaborative proposals in the field of sustainable food production and consumption.

Pre-proposals can be submitted until 13th March 2017 3pm CET.

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Photo credit: NicoleMariePhotoworks via Foter.com / CC BY