FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - join the Graphene Flagship

Research H2020The Graphene Flagship has launched a call for expression of interest for new partners.

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

The Graphene Flagship is inviting organisations with specific industrial and technology transfer competences to submit their Expression of Interest. The 15 competences that are needed to complement the present consortium are each described on the Graphene Flagship web site and include topics such as Ecotoxicity, Neural Interfaces, Sensors and Smart Textiles.

A crucial requirement in the Expression of Interest is to demonstrate a genuine commitment at the highest levels towards technology of graphene and related materials. This for example can be shown as a solid track record of work in the area with specific products, demonstrators or prototypes already achieved, or by the existence of a team with sufficient funding and know how, already working on graphene and related materials. 

The selected new partners will be incorporated in the scientific and technological work packages of the second core project under the Horizon 2020 phase of the Flagship that will run during 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2020. The new partners will be requested to sign the relevant agreements with the EC as well as the Consortium Agreement that regulates the relations between the partners in the consortium.

The call for expression of interest is open until 30 May 2017, 08:00 (CET).

> Expression of Interest

Photo credit: IAEA Imagebank via Foter.com / CC BY-SA