FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

CEF Energy - experts needed to assess energy project proposals

CEF EnergyINEA is looking for new experts to assess the energy project proposals submitted for EU funding.

EU - consultation on the review of the SME definition

Are you an experienced expert with skills in one or more of these fields: energy systems (production, distribution, application) electricity grid systems, electricity transmission/distribution, electricity market/regulations, energy market integration, natural gas, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), gas transmission pipelines, electricity storage, gas storage, smart energy, smart grids, electricity and gas transmission regulation, carbon capture storage in transport, energy and environment,  energy security of supply?

INEA is looking for new experts to assess the energy project proposals submitted for EU funding. Experts should also have appropriate language skills in English for the tasks to be carried out. Sign up to the European Commission's expert database by 28 February 2018.

> EIB - new financing for energy, SME and transport

The selected experts will assess the project proposals submitted for the two 2018 CEF Energy calls to be published in March and June 2018.

Evaluations of the project proposals will be conducted in Brussels at the end of May 2018 for the first call for proposals. If selected, you will be able to indicate your availability for one or both weeks in the 'availability check' survey which will be circulated only to those experts which have registered in the database and ticked the "CEF" box.

Energy evaluators cannot under any circumstances have a conflict of interest with any of the organisations submitting a project proposal (a TSO or a company with possible stake in Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) development, e.g. energy or equipment supplier, contractor of PCI projects, etc.) You will have to sign a declaration on confidentiality and absence of a conflict of interest before you can read the proposals.

> Expert database

Photo on Foter.com