FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU Aid Volunteers iniziative – call for sending and hosting organisations

The call for sending and hosting organisations is open until 4 July 2016.


> EU - call for tender, training of candidate volunteers

> Horizon 2020 - Social Innovation prize 2016

EU Aid Volunteers

The EU Aid Volunteers initiative provides opportunities to European citizens and long-term residents, from a wide range of backgrounds and with a diversity of skills and professional experience, to get involved in humanitarian aid projects, support the provision of needs-based humanitarian aid in third countries and engage in volunteering opportunities, through deployment and online-volunteering.

The initiative focuses on strengthening the European Union's capacity to deliver needs-based humanitarian aid by providing professional support through the deployment of trained volunteers to people in need.

Call for proposals

The objective of the call is to strengthen the capacities of sending and hosting organisations intending to participate in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and to ensure compliance with the standards and procedures regarding candidate volunteers and EU Aid Volunteers in order to apply for certification which is required in order to deploy EU Aid Volunteers.

Proposals for both, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building activities, must be submitted by:

  • non-governmental not-for-profit organisations formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and whose headquarters are located within the Union, or
  • public law bodies of a civilian character governed by the law of a Member State, or the International Federation of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at 7.960.000 EUR. The electronic application form duly completed must be received by 12.00 (midday, Brussels time) on 4 July 2016.

> Horizon 2020 - societal challenge 6, draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: ccbarr via Foter.com / CC BY-SA