EIB - support to 38 new projects

EIBEIB approved new financing totalling EUR 9.8 billion to support investment in 38 new projects.

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+ 

LIFE Programme - call 2017 for NGOs 

EIT - Competition for new Innovation Communities

EIT InnovationThe EIT announced a competition for two new Innovation Communities.

> Horizon 2020 - join the Graphene Flagship

> Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, second call for 2017

EU - revision of the European Qualifications Framework

EducationThe Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council adopted the revision of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning.

EU - Council, new rules for financial interests

EU - online platform for women entrepreneurs 

EU Funds - COSME, public consultation on interim evaluation

Cosme programmeThe European Commission launched a public consultation about the interim evaluation of COSME.

EU - public consultation on the modernisation of company law

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+

Horizon 2020 - join the Graphene Flagship

Research H2020The Graphene Flagship has launched a call for expression of interest for new partners.

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

LIFE Programme - second call for European Solidarity Corps

 European Solidarity CorpsThe European Commission launched a new call for European Solidarity Corps.

LIFE Programme - call 2017 for NGOs

LIFE Best Awards - 11 winners for the best EU projects 

Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, second call for 2017

Computer with landscapeThe European Commission launched the second Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom call for 2017.

Digital Single Market - public consultation on SMP Guidelines

Connecting Europe Facility - 2016 call Tlc, 24 projects selected

EU - Council, new rules for financial interests

Financial interestsThe Council adopted a directive on the protection of the financial interests of the EU.

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+

EU - online platform for women entrepreneurs

EU - action plan for nature and biodiversity

NatureThe European Commission adopted a new Action Plan to improve the protection of nature and biodiversity.

LIFE Programme - call 2017 for NGOs

LIFE Best Awards - 11 winners for the best EU projects 

LIFE Programme - call 2017 for NGOs

LIFE ProgrammeThe call for proposals for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) active in the fields of environment and climate action is open.

LIFE Best Awards - 11 winners for the best EU projects

> LIFE 2014-2020 – Climate action, awarded 26 action grants 

Horizon 2020 - Moedas, best means for Mediterranean cooperation

© European Union, 2017/Photo: Mohamed HammiCarlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, joined the Forum for the Dialogue in the Western Mediterranean

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency