FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - EU prize for Online security

online securityThe H2020 Online Security Prize is now open.

Horizon 2020 - SUSFOOD2, new call for proposals

> Horizon 2020 - join the Graphene Flagship

This Horizon prize aims to significantly improve citizen's overall experience related to online authentication and consequently foster the widespread adoption of services and products provided within the Digital Single Market of the European Union.

This prize also complements the activities of the Cybersecurity cPPP which aims to develop Europe's strengths in digital security.

An information and communication technologies (ICT) solution that enables citizens to seamless authenticate themselves across a wide range of applications and devices. The solution should be easy to use, reliable, robust against cyber-attacks, privacy-friendly and compatible as well as affordable and open. It should be ready to benefit a wide range of the EU population, from healthy to impaired citizens of all ages.

A total budget of 4.000.000 EUR is available for this prize, offering 3 awards as follows:

  • 2.800.000 EUR for the winner(s)
  • 700.000 EUR for the 1st runner-up
  • 500.000 EUR for the 2nd runner-up

The contest is open to any legal entity (including natural persons) or group of legal entities established in an EU Member State or in a country associated to Horizon 2020.

The proposals must be sent before 28th September 2018 at 17.00 CEST.

> Horizon 2020 - EU Women Innovators Prize 2018