Bangladesh - tender for works in environmental infrastructure sector

Bangladesh - Photo credit: R.H.Sumon™ via / CC BY-NC-SAThe contractor will be responsable for the construction and installation of a surface water treatment plan.

Jamaica - consultancy on climate resilience

Romania - procurement and consultancy for infrastructure project

Horizon 2020 - Moedas, best means for Mediterranean cooperation

© European Union, 2017/Photo: Mohamed HammiCarlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, joined the Forum for the Dialogue in the Western Mediterranean

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

Jamaica - consultancy on climate resilience

Jamaica - Photo credit: Walt Jabsco via / CC BY-NC-NDThe consultant will conduct a vulnerability assessment of the health sector to climate change.

Romania - procurement and consultancy for infrastructure project

Macedonia - assistance for modernisation of public administration

Ghana - tender for works and goods in power sector

Ghana - Photo credit: ell brown via / CC BY-SAThe assignment comprises procurement and installation of 33kV bulk supply point and interconnecting circuits.

 > Jamaica - consultancy on climate resilience 

Romania - procurement and consultancy for infrastructure project

Digital Single Market - public consultation on SMP Guidelines

Digital marketThe European Commission launched a public consultation to prepare the review of the Significant Market Power (SMP) Guidelines.

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

Romania - procurement and consultancy for infrastructure project

Road rehabilitation - Photo credit: modot_stl_photos via / CC BY-NC-SAThe procurement notice refers to Automated Fare Collection (AFC) System procurement and support consultancy services.

Macedonia - assistance for modernisation of public administration

Kenya - supply of energy metering instruments

COSME - Cluster go international

Cosme ClusterThe call for proposals Cluster go international is open.

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+

EU - online platform for women entrepreneurs

Macedonia - assistance for modernisation of public administration

Macedonia - Photo credit: Rosino via / CC BY-NC-SAThe assignment regards the improvement of performance of public service delivery and system of professional competences of administration.

Maldives - supply of goods and works for energy project

Kenya - supply of energy metering instruments

Research - LifeWatch ERIC for biodiversity in the EU

Biodviersity researchLifeWatch ERIC is the EU research infrastructure for biodiversity.

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency 

Maldives - supply of goods and works for energy project

Maldives - Photo credit: Jonybraker via / CC BY-NC-NDThe assignment includes the construction of hybrid power plants in the Maldives.

Kenya - supply of energy metering instruments

India - consultancy services for road safety project

EU - Interreg Volunteer Youth for cross-border cooperation

volunteerInterreg is proud to launch Interreg Volunteer Youth for transnational cooperation.

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+

EU - online platform for women entrepreneurs