ADB - Myanmar, selection of a project implementation consultant in energy sector

Electric power

Expo - EU–ASEAN Days to enhance business and investment opportunities

Handshaking - Photo credit: inertia_tw / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

Horizon 2020 - Environment, draft work programme 2016-2017


EBRD - West Balkans, study for investments in food-processing sector

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Photo credit: antalagy / Foter / CC BY-SA

Horizon 2020 - Nanotechnologies, draft work programme 2016-2017


AfDB - Zimbabwe, strengthening institutions of transparency

Photocredit - CC BY-SA, flickr/freepress

Expo - Bangladesh Pavilion, remarkable achievements of the country

Agriculture in Bangladesh - Author Balaram Mahalder

Horizon 2020 - ICT, draft work programme 2016-2017


Expo -Thailand Pavilion, royal development projects for farmers

Expo Milano 2015, Thailand - Author Davric

EuropeAid - Asia, two notices for provision of services in October

Oil well - Author Eric Kounce TexasRaiser

Horizon 2020 - transport, draft work programme 2016-2017
