Malawi - supply of goods for education development

Africa - Photo credit USAID Africa BureauThe assignment regards the supply of furniture for schools in Malawi.

India - consulting service for skills development project

Ukraine - works for safety upgrade program of nuclear power

India - consulting service for skills development project

Indian businessman - CC0 Public DomainThe consulting company will work to modernize vocational training system in Madhya Pradesh.

Ukraine - works for safety upgrade program of nuclear power

Pakistan - contract notice for communication experts

Ukraine - works for safety upgrade program of nuclear power

Nuclear power - Author Stefan KühnInvitation to tender for the supply of works in Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

Pakistan - contract notice for communication experts

Poland - consultancy for capital market development

Pakistan - contract notice for communication experts

Pakistan - Photo credit: openDemocracy via / CC BY-SAThe contract aims at improving EU's image in Pakistan through effective communication strategies.

Poland - consultancy for capital market development

Turkey - consulting services for public transport

Poland - consultancy for capital market development

Poland - Photo credit: User:MateuszEs, User:KpalionThe consulting company will work within a project aimed at strengthening the role of the Polish capital market.

Turkey - consulting services for public transport

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Horizon 2020 - ERC Consolidator Grants, call 2018

ResearchThe call 2018 for ERC Consolidator Grants is now open.

> Horizon 2020 - EU Prize for Women Innovators 2017 

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

Turkey - consulting services for public transport

Sulaymaniyah Mosque, Istanbul Turkey - Harold LitwilerThe assignment concerns the supply of technical assistance within a public transport development project in Istanbul.

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Ghana - consulting services for public finance management improvement

GhanaThe assignment concerns the provision of technical assistance for improving public finance management in Ghana.

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Nepal - Photo credit: Lenny K Photography via / CC BYTechnical assistance for geohazard risk management and resilient road asset management in Nepal.

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Ukraine - selection of marketing experts opens

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Gestione ambientale - Photo credit: WalterPro4755 via / CC BYWorks are needed for a project aimed at modernising air quality and radiation monitoring infrastructure.

Ukraine - selection of marketing experts opens

Kenya - selection of consultants for legal assistance

Connecting Europe Facility - call for the Single European Sky

European Transport290 million of euros available to improve air traffic management in Europe.

> Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, second call for 2017

> Connecting Europe Facility - Transport, Commission proposes 152 projects