EIT - call KICs 2016

The EIT launched the 2016 Call for new Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) for the creation of two new KICs


Research - ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015, pre-announcement call 2016

The new call ERA-NET Cofund initiative WaterWorks2015 is expected to open on 16th February 2016 WaterWorks

EU – call Health 2015, results

4 health projects selected to support Member states at the forefront of the refugee crisis


EIB Group: Juncker Plan, mobilized over EUR 50 billion investment

In 2015 EIB Group lends record EUR 84.5 billion and mobilises over EUR 50 billion investment under Investment Plan for Europe.

EIB Group Press Conference on 2015 Results, Mr Werner Hoyer - Copyright European Investment Bank Rights Free

EU - Civil Protection Mechanism, Work programme 2016

The Work Programme 2016 for the implementation of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism has a budget of € 34,9 million

Civil protection

Innovative Medicines Initiative - IMI 2, upcoming calls

IMI 2 proposed indicative topics for two upcoming calls for proposals



EU - Cross-border cooperation, 7 programmes adopted

The EU Commission adopted seven new cross-border cooperation programmes


EU - Interreg Italy-Austria 2014-2020 adopted

The European Commission adopted a new Interreg programme to foster cross-border cooperation between Italy and Austria


LIFE 2014-2020 – Climate action, awarded 26 action grants

The European Commission awarded 26 action grants in first year of LIFE Climate Action projects


EU – cooperation, Atlantic Area programme 2014-2020 adopted

The EU Commission adopted the 2014-2020 Atlantic Area Transnational Cooperation Programme, worth 185.3 million of euros


EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation, report 2014

While planned commitments for 2014 amounted to 119,5 million of euros, around 52 million of euros were actually used (44%)
