EU - Blue Economy Business Awards 2016

The applications for the Blue Economy Business Awards 2016 are open until 8th July 2016

blue economy

> Innovation - European Biotech SME Award

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

Vulcanus in Europe – EU companies host Japanese trainees

The Vulcanus in Europe programme offers EU industrial companies the unique opportunity to host a Japanese student as a trainee for 8 months japan

> EuropeAid - consultancy on EU-Japan cooperation

World Bank - Uganda, consultancy on communication infrastructure

Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

The European Commission launched a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom Programme. The budget is 10,5 million of euros


> Connecting Europe Facility – Energy, first call 2016

> Connecting Europe Facility – Energy, forthcoming calls 2016

Innovation - European Biotech SME Award

EuropaBio launches the 7th edition of the Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award


> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016 is open

AIIB - first infrastructure projects approved in Asia

The AIIB approved the first two infrastructure projects, co-financed with the ADB and the EBRD.

Highway - Pixabay

World Bank - consultancy for training in power sector project management

EuropeAid - Albania, consultancy for promotion of civil society development

Horizon 2020 – PDA, investments in energy efficiency

Horizon 2020 Project Development Assistance (PDA) supports investments in energy efficiency


> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

> Horizon 2020 – Science and society, consultation on Work programme

Single market – public consultation on services passport

The European Commission published a public consultation on the proposal to introduce a services passport services passport

> Horizon 2020 – Science and society, consultation on Work programme

> Trade - public consultation on EU-Turkey economic relations

EU Aid Volunteers iniziative – call for sending and hosting organisations

The call for sending and hosting organisations is open until 4 July 2016.


> EU - call for tender, training of candidate volunteers

> Horizon 2020 - Social Innovation prize 2016

Innovative Medicine Initiative – IMI2, call 9 published

 IMI2 call 9 has been published. The stage 1 submission deadline is 26 July 2016.

Research - Pixabay

Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016 is open

Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

The European Commission launched two Horizon prizes for reducing pollutant emissions

h2020 - foto di Alan Trotter

> Horizon 2020 – Science and society, consultation on Work programme

> Horizon 2020 - science and society, draft work programme 2016-2017

EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016 is open

The BBI JTI call 2016 is open until is 8 September 2016

bbi - France House Hunt > EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016

> EU - Call Health 2015, results