EuropeAid - Serbia, technical assistance for oil stockage

The consultant will provide technical assistance to the administration for the optimal management of mandatory oil stocks in Serbia.

Oil extraction - Author Eric Kounce TexasRaiser

EBRD - Serbia, supervision of waste management project

Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor - questionnaire for Digital Entrepreneurship

The European Commission is seeking the views of European companies regarding digital transformation in the frame of the Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor

digital > EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

Trade defence: measures against EU exports increase in third countries

EC report on trade defence confirms increase in third-country measures against EU exports. Steel is the sector most affected.

Commercio - Pixabay

Trade - EU and Southern African Countries sign agreement

Trade - TiSA, agreement on services expected by the end of 2016

Connecting Europe Broadband Fund - call for a Fund manager

The European Investment Bank and the European Commission are looking for an investment manager of the Connecting Europe Broadband Fund (CEBF)


> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016


World Bank - Uganda, consultants required in hydroelectric sector

The consultants will deal with the design and supervision of works for the construction of hydroelectric schemes.

Impianto idroelettrico - Pixabay

EBRD - Serbia, supervision of waste management project

ADB - Indonesia, technical assistance on infrastructure related financial risk

EU - Access City Award 2017

The Access City Award 2017 is open until 8 September 2016

access city

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

> EU - call for tender, training of candidate volunteers

Trade - EU and Southern African Countries sign agreement

The agreement introduces commonly agreed and stable rules for trade relations between EU and Southern African Region.

Africa - Pixabay

Trade - TiSA, agreement on services expected by the end of 2016

Trade - public consultation on EU-Turkey economic relations

EBRD - Serbia, supervision of waste management project

Consultants are required to supervise the construction of a regional solid waste landfill in Serbia.

Serbian flag - Photo credit: StephYo via Remodel / CC BY-NC-SA © 2016 FOTER.COM Blog Contact Terms Sitemap Privacy Policy

ADB - Indonesia, technical assistance on infrastructure related financial risk

AfDB - legal consultants for public sector projects

Horizon 2020 - CONCERT EJP, call for radiation protection

CONCERT EJP launched a transnational Call for Proposals to support innovative research projects in radiation protection


> Innovative Medicine Initiative – IMI2, anticipation call 9

> Horizon 2020 - Health, topics of work programme 2014-2020

Trade - TiSA, agreement on services expected by the end of 2016

The EU is committed to reaching an agreement on trade in services by the end of this year.

Trade in Services - Pixabay

Single market – public consultation on services passport

Trade - public consultation on EU-Turkey economic relations

LIFE Best Awards - 11 winners for the best EU projects

Commission announces winners of the 2015 LIFE Best Awards life

> LIFE 2014-2020 – Climate action, awarded 26 action grants

> Horizon 2020 - Environment, draft work programme 2016-2017