UE: borse di studio nel campo della finanza pubblica europea

Data chiusura
16 Jun 2014
Soggetto gestore
European Court of Auditors - European University Institute - Historical Archives of the European Union


L'European Court of Auditors e l'European University Institute - Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) hanno creato un programma di assegni di ricerca destinati ai ricercatori attivi nel campo della finanza pubblica europea.

Il programma è aperto a studenti con laurea magistrale/master e candidati a borse di dottorato, ricercatori post-doc e professori universitari che negli ultimi cinque anni hanno completato un master o dottorato.


I candidati dovranno preparare una tesi, una dissertazione o un articolo accademico sulla finanza pubblica europea, in una o più delle discipline umanistiche e sociali (es: storia, economia, scienze politiche, diritto, pubblica amministrazione).

I candidati devono avere una buona conoscenza del francese e dell'inglese.


The European Court of Auditors and the European University Institute (Historical Archives of the European Union), have created a programme of grants for researchers engaged in research on European public finances, in particular their impact on various areas of European society and culture, and on the historical development of the "external control" function in the EU context.

The following are eligible to apply:

  • all current postgraduate students (master’s and doctoral candidates);
  • all postdoctoral researchers or university professors who have completed a master’s degree or doctorate in the past five years preceding the date the application is submitted and who currently hold an academic appointment.

Applicants should be preparing a thesis, dissertation, or scholarly article relating to EU public finances, in one or more of the disciplines of human and social sciences (e.g. history, economics, political sciences, law or public administration).

Research projects presented by postgraduate students or postdoctoral researchers should preferably be directly related to their doctoral or master’s field of research.

In view of the nature of the files concerned, candidates should have a sound knowledge of English and French. Knowledge of other EU languages would be an advantage.

Only individual applications will be considered for the programme.

Candidates may not submit an application with the same research subject on more than two occasions.

Candidates must be nationals of a Member State of the European Union.

These eligibility criteria will be strictly applied.

Saranno assegnati due assegni di ricerca, del valore di 5mila euro l'uno.


Successful applicants will receive a research grant of 5 000 € to cover all research expenses, including:

  • one round trip between the grant holder’s permanent residence and Florence;
  • accommodation in Florence for the duration of the grant holder's use of the archives.

The grant will be paid in two instalments:

  • a first instalment of 3 000 € at the start of the research, as attested by the Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union;
  • a second instalment of 2 000 € after an essay on the grant holder’s research subject has been submitted to the Selection Committee.

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 16 giugno 2014.

Gli esiti dell'istruttoria saranno comunicati entro la fine di giugno.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.


The Selection Committee is composed of current or former officials of the European Court of Auditors, recognised experts in the field of public finances and audit, and the Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union. Decisions are based upon the quality of the application file, the significance and originality of the proposed research, the feasibility of the project, the candidate’s ability to carry out the research satisfactorily, and the importance of using the Archives in Florence to consult the European Court of Auditors' archives.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application before the end of June 2014.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Pubblica amministrazione, Sociale
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Finanza pubblica, Europa, Ricerca, Privato, Borse
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