EIT Change Awards 2015

Data chiusura
17 Nov 2014
Soggetto gestore


L'Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (EIT) promuove per il 2015 la competizione EIT Change Awards 2015.

Obiettivo della competizione è individuare i progetti più innovativi realizzati nelle aree di interesse dell'EIT:

  • Climate-KIC;
  • EIT ICT Labs;
  • KIC InnoEnergy.

Possono partecipare i soggetti che hanno aderito ad uno dei programmi formativi dell'EIT.


The EIT CHANGE Award celebrates graduates from EIT labelled education programmes that spur innovation and entrepreneurship and bring about change in the thematic areas addressed by the EIT and its KICs. For the 2015 edition of the EIT Awards, each KIC will nominate two candidates. The EIT Innovation Jury will select the winner during the EIT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event to be held in Budapest on 05-07 May 2015.

Who can apply?

Graduates from EIT- labelled educational programmes delivered by any of the Knowledge Innovation Communities (KICs).

What do the EIT Award nominees have to do?

  • Submit their innovation story and profile form
  • Pitch their innovation story in front of the EIT Innovation Jury at the EIT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event in Budapest on 05-07 May 2015
  • Participate in a Pitching workshop in Budapest on 12-13 March 2015

What will the EIT Award winner get?

  • Increased European-wide promotion and the use the “EIT CHANGE Award Winner” label in their profiling and/or marketing activities;
  • Dedicated support to their personal development and/or the development of their innovative activities.

I vincitori riceveranno:

  • un invito all'EIT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event (5-7 maggio 2015),
  • sessione formativa prima dell'evento,
  • copertura mediatica.


What do EIT Award nominees get?

  • An invitation to the EIT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event on 05-07 May 2015
  • A live-training session prior to the event to sharpen their pitching skills
  • Targeted media exposure to raise their visibility within the EU innovation community via a promotional campaign

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 17 novembre 2014.

I nomi dei vincitori saranno comunicati tra dicembre 2014-gennaio 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Audiovisivo, Ict, Servizi, Energia, Industria, Costruzioni
Innovazione, Sviluppo
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Eit, Change award
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