UE: Be our guest photographer

Data chiusura
30 Sep 2015
Soggetto gestore
Parlamento europeo


Nell'ambito dell'Anno europeo per lo sviluppo il Parlamento europeo ha lanciato il concorso fotografico BE OUR GUEST PHOTOGRAPHER!.

In occasione dell'Anno europeo per lo sviluppo, ogni mese fino a settembre il Parlamento europeo annuncerà un tema diverso. 


Il concorso è rivolto ai cittadini europei over 18.

Le foto potranno essere direttamente votate dal pubblico.


"BE OUR GUEST PHOTOGRAPHER!" is a project organised by the Web Communication Unit for the EP website. Each month, the project will be built around one topic of great importance, topicality and impact within the European Union. The start and end of the project will be announced by a special article each month on the EP web page and EP social media platforms.
The project will be open to all EU residents, aged 18 or older, regardless of profession, on condition that they conform to the rules, in particular that they possess the copyright for their photos and that they grant the European Parliament the right to use them for non-commercial purposes on the EP web page and EP social media platforms.
By sending the application form, the participant agrees to be bound by the following rules, including any subsequent modifications that may be deemed necessary, for example, in the case of "force majeure".

The participant must be an EU resident, aged 18 or older.

Saranno individuati due vincitori finali al termine del concorso: uno selezionato dalla giuria e uno dal pubblico, tramite votazione online.

I due vincitori saranno invitati a svolgere un reportage, a spese del Parlamento europeo, durante la sessione plenaria di novembre.


The monthly winner will be notified by email and an article and photo of the winner, as well as the winning photo, will be published on the EP website and social media platforms. At the end of the contest an overall winner will be chosen by the jury. Throughout the competition the public will be able to vote for their favourite photo from the best 10 of each month, the photo with the most likes will be the winner of the public prize. Both winners will receive an invitation to make a photo-reportage during the November plenary session in Strasbourg. Please note that winners will not be employed by any means by the EP, nor remunerated for their work. However, the European Parliament will support all costs for the winners' participation in the plenary (travel expenses, accommodation, etc).

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 30 settembre 2015.

I vincitori saranno invitati alla sessione plenaria di novembre 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Inclusione social, Cooperazione
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
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