European EIB Prize 2015

Data chiusura
18 May 2015
Soggetto gestore


L'European EIB Prize è rivolto ai ricercatori che hanno contribuito alla promozione di misure per la crescita e l’occupazione nell’Ue.

L'edizione 2015 del premio è dedicata al tema “Economics of Inequality and Economic Growth”.


Il premio prevede due categorie di concorso:

  1. Outstanding Contribution Award, rivolta ai ricercatori affermati che nel corso della propria carriera hanno contribuito allo sviluppo dei settori di ricerca previsti dal premio;
  2. Young Economist Prize, rivolta a ricercatori under 40.


The topic for the 2015 EIB Prize is “Economics of Inequality and Economic Growth”. The Prize will be awarded for applied research conducted on the interaction of economic performance/growth and inequality. Research may focus on the effect of income and wealth inequality on GDP as well as broader concepts of well-being. Special consideration will be given to work comparing the European experience (including between EU member countries) with that of other large advanced economies.

Nominees for the EIB Prize must be researchers that have made substantial empirical contributions based on solid theoretical foundations in areas covered by the year’s topic. Both awards are open to all economists, with no distinction regarding nationality or place of work.

The Outstanding Contribution Award honours scholars for their lifetime scientific contribution of specific relevance to the prize’s topic, including academic excellence and publication record and impact on public policy or society at large.

The Young Economist Award honours scholars under the age of forty on 31 December 2015. It recognises influential research or a significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge that is of specific relevance to the prize’s topic and demonstrates great promise for the future.

I vincitori saranno selezionati da una giuria composta da accademici di alto livello, presieduta dal premio Nobel Christopher Pissarides.

Le candidature devono essere presentate entro il 18 maggio 2015.

Sono ammissibili solo candidature online.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
EIB Prize
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