EIP AGRI - invito per esperti - Anno 2015

Data chiusura
07 Sep 2015
Soggetto gestore
Commissione europea


Invito a manifestare interesse per esperti dal Partenariato Europeo per l'innovazione in materia di produttività e sostenibilità dell'agricoltura (EIP-Agri).

Il bando riguarda i seguenti gruppi tematici:

  • FG16 Agroforestry and mixed farming systems;
  • FG17 Emissions from livestock;
  • FG18 Benchmarking farm performance (in terms of sustainability and economics).

Le aree EIP sono:

  • biodiversità,
  • servizi ecosistemici e funzionalità del suolo;
  • qualità del cibo, sicurezza alimentare e stili di vita sani;
  • aumento della produttività agricola, produzione ed efficienza delle risorse;
  • innovazione a sostegno dell'economia a base biologica;
  • prodotti e servizi innovativi nella catena del valore;
  • catene di approvvigionamento integrate: approcci innovativi.


The European Commission is launching a call for experts such as farmers, advisers, scientists and other relevant actors for three new EIP-AGRI Focus Groups

The purpose of a Focus Group is to explore practical innovative solutions to problems or opportunities and to draw on and share experience gained from relevant innovative projects. The group will discuss and document research results and implications for further research activities that will help to solve practical issues in the sector. Such issues may be related to production, processing, consumption, transport or other areas

The composition of the Focus Groups will be based on the following profiles, while taking into account the different characteristics of the specific challenge/objective at stake and a good balance in the composition of the group (area of expertise, professional capacity and experience, geographical balance, etc.):

  • Experts, such as farmers and advisers, with relevant practical experience and technical knowledge on the topic, who can contribute with practical solutions for problems or opportunities in the field.
  • Experts with a good understanding and experience of the relevant economic situation related to the topic concerned, including market prospects, production costs, supply, manufacturing, and socio-economic impact for farmers.
  • Experts with experience in practical research and innovation actions related to the topic.

The topics to be covered by the three new Focus Groups are:

EIP Areas

  • Biodiversity, ecosystem services, and soil functionality
  • Food quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles
  • Increased agricultural productivity, output, and resource efficiency
  • Innovation in support of the biobased economy
  • Innovative products and services in the value chain
  • Integrated supply chains: innovative approaches

Saranno coperti i costi per l'alloggio e il trasporto.


The EIP-AGRI Service Point provides Travel and Accommodation for Focus Group participants. We can only provide travel by public transportation. For local travel to the train station or the airport we do our best to make proposals within our limits.

Le domande devono essere presentate entro le ore 23:59 CET del 7 settembre 2015.

Ogni gruppo sarà composto da un massimo di 20 esperti.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.


Each Focus Group consists of up to 20 experts: farmers, advisers, scientists and where appropriate representatives from industry, civil society or other relevant actors.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Innovazione, Ricerca, Sviluppo, Tutela ambientale
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Eip agri, Esperti
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