Premio Canada-Italia per l'Innovazione 2017

Data chiusura
03 Apr 2017
Soggetto gestore
Ambasciata del Canada in Italia


Bando relativo al concorso Canada-Italia per l'Innovazione 2017.

Il Premio Canada-Italia per l’Innovazione è un'iniziativa dell'Ambasciata del Canada in Italia che mira a rafforzare i legami tra i due paesi in materia di Innovazione.


Il Premio è rivolto a ricercatori, scienziati, innovatori e startupper italiani interessati a sviluppare ed approfondire le proprie ricerche con colleghi e omologhi canadesi in ambiti e settori ritenuti prioritari dal Governo del Canada.

I risultati attesi comprendono pubblicazioni e progetti di ricerca congiunti, programmi di scambio studenti/ricercatori, condivisione di strumenti e materiali, scambio di competenze e tecniche, collegamenti istituzionali e trasferimento tecnologico. Lo sviluppo di modelli innovativi di collaborazione è fortemente incoraggiato.

I risultati iniziali dovrebbero essere portati a termine tra i sei e i dodici mesi successivi alla visita e condurre allo sviluppo di una collaborazione di lungo termine.

I progetti devono affrontare le tematiche di seguito descritte:

1. An interconnected, evolving global landscape


  • How might global events play out in local spaces, and how might they affect a country’s position in a rapidly evolving and shifting world?
  • How might changes in global trade patterns and international relations affect a country’s position?
  • How might increased understanding about interconnected dispersed communities affect a country economically, socially and culturally?
  • What deep, systemic knowledge of the world’s emerging regions might help a country respond to emerging opportunities and risks?
  • What does a country need in order to build resilience and safeguard stability, peace, and public security in the face of global shocks such as natural disasters and emerging conflicts?
  • How might increased understanding of Canada’s model of a diverse civil society contribute to insights and understanding in every society impacted by migration in the 21st century?

2. Emerging technologies


  • What is needed in order to maximize equitable access to information and communication technologies, foster digital literacy, and mitigate digital divides?
  • In what ways might emerging technologies affect the behavior of citizens in all aspects of their lives, institutions and governments?
  • Why does society need to understand the risks, opportunities and related ethical questions raised by the adoption of emergent and disruptive technologies (e.g., 3D printing, robotics, nanotechnology, fracking, drones)?
  • How can citizens, organizations and governments balance competing needs of security and privacy in an increasingly “open” society?
  • How might Canadians and Italians be affected by new developments in “big data,” data analytics and information management?
  • How might space exploration be important for the future of research, education, and inspiration?

3. Global peak population


  • What do we need to understand in order to effectively nurture the next generations?
  • What might Canadian and Italian families look like in five, 10, and 20 years, and how might they measure their well-being?
  • Life cycle issues are challenging society. What are the future implications of state regulation from cradle to grave?
  • What effect will global migration have on our cities of the future?
  • How could changing demographics and migration affect rural and remote communities?
  • What are the potential impacts of global peak population with respect to energy and resource consumption and climate change?

4. New ways of learning


  • What knowledge, skills and delivery methods are required in order for the public education system to create an innovative, resilient and culturally rich society?
  • What aspirations and expectations will a diverse and global citizenry bring to work environments, jobs and labour markets of the future?
  • What conditions are needed for new models of research—particularly, co creation of knowledge with the public, private and/or not for profit sectors—to flourish?
  • What roles will emerging and/or disruptive information and communication technologies play in learning for individuals, institutions and society?
  • What role should individuals, institutions and governments play in promoting and supporting the life cycle of knowledge, including creation, accessibility, retention and mobilization, across sectors, both domestically and internationally?
  • How can we harness strength and innovation in the arts, digital media and cultural industries to build social, economic and cultural well-being?

5. Special 150! An innovative idea for Canada-Italy 3017

I premi sono diretti a supportare il viaggio il Canada dei vincitori e hanno un valore massimo di 3mila euro.

Le candidature devono essere presentate compilando l'apposito application form, salvandolo in formato pdf e inviandolo all'indirizzo entro le ore 11:59 pm (orario italiano) del 3 aprile 2017.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Link.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Pesca, Pubblica amministrazione, Sanità, Assicurativo, Turismo, Commercio, Ict, Energia, Bancario, Industria, Costruzioni, Audiovisivo, Alimentare, Agricoltura, Farmaceutico, Cultura, Servizi, Affari marittimi, Sociale
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Canada italia
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