EU: CedefopPhotoAward 2019

Data chiusura
31 May 2019
Soggetto gestore


#CedefopPhotoAward is a competition organised by Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Its aim is to promote excellence in vocational education and training (VET) across the European Union and beyond, including within the context of the European vocational skills week.

The 2019 competition is exclusively addressed to teams of learners in vocational education and training (either initial or continuing vocational training later in life) in the European Union, Norway and Iceland. Each team is expected to produce an original photostory consisting of four to five photos, and an accompanying narrative of up to 100 words. Individual entries will not be accepted.


The competition aims to mobilise learners throughout Europe to reflect on what vocational education and training means to them, and illustrate their daily learning experience.

The photos should tell a story based on the VET learners’ individual or team experiences. They should be related to each other and support a narrative with a strong message. Story examples: 

  • photos presenting a project learners have developed; 
  • photos of a mobility experience abroad as part of their VET training;
  • photostories in which learners show how VET has influenced their life.

Depicting trademarks or other commercial branding in the photos should be avoided.

The competition is open to teams of learners from vocational education and training schools/providers in the European Union, Norway and Iceland. Participants are accepted on condition that they conform to the rules, in particular that they possess the copyright of their photos and that they grant Cedefop and the European Commission the right to use them for noncommercial purposes on their websites, social media platforms, promotional materials, exhibitions, print publications and video clips.

Two winning teams will take part in the European vocational skills week in Helsinki in October 2019 as nominees for the top prize, which will be presented by European Commissioner Marianne Thyssen at the closing event. A special #CedefopPhotoAward jury prize will be presented to a third winning team during the Thessaloniki International Film Festival in November 2019.

The three winning and the selected 17 runner-up photo stories will be exhibited at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival (November 2019) and during the European vocational skills week in Helsinki from 14 to 18 October 2019.


Two winning teams and their teacher/tutor will travel to Helsinki to attend the European vocational skills week gala dinner (where the two winning stories will be showcased) on 17 October and the award ceremony on 18 October 2019, where the first winner will be announced.


A third winning team and their teacher/tutor will travel to Thessaloniki for the opening ceremony of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival on 31 October 2019 and the opening of the #CedefopPhotoAward exhibition at the Cinema Museum of Thessaloniki on 1 November 2019. Cedefop and the European Commission will cover the cost for the participation of the winning teams and their teachers/tutors in the events (travel expenses and accommodation for each trip). The photostories of the winners and runners-up will be exhibited in both locations (Helsinki and Thessaloniki).

The competition is open until 31 May 2019 at 23:59 CET (deadline for submission of the photostories).

Please note that ALL shortlisted candidates (or their parent/legal guardian in the case of minors under the age of 18 at the time of application) will be further contacted by Cedefop and requested to submit a scanned and signed form on which each member agrees to further processing/use of their data and photographs. Should this form not be provided, the selected team will be removed from the competition.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Inclusione social, Cooperazione
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Cedefop, Vocational education and training
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