Youth Shaping EUSALP: EUSALP Youth Council 2021

Data chiusura
16 May 2021
Soggetto gestore
Youth Shaping EUSALP


The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) aims to actively involve young people when it is about to make the Alpine Region fit for the future.

The EUSALP Youth Council wants to provide a platform for institutional involvement of young people in all EUSALP bodies and to make sure that their ideas and viewpoints are heard and considered on the political level. The Youth Council is composed of about 28 members, 4 members from each Alpine country (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland). The members of the Youth Council can:

  • propose concrete actions and projects and suggest topics
  • bring ideas to the attention of high-level politicians from EUSALP states and regions
  • contribute to the EUSALP priorities and policies
  • raise attention for the special features of their regions at the Alpine level
  • participate in all youth activities of EUSALP
  • participate in events

You can apply if you:

  • are interested in shaping the future of the Alpine space. You want to make the Alpine region a world-renowned science location? Promote innovative jobs and companies? Find the best education and the best job in the Alpine Space? Make transport in the Alpine region more sustainable? Use digitalization to connect the Alpine regions? Preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the Alps? Create green connections in the Alpine space? Prevent natural hazards and climate change? Make the Alps a model region for renewable energies? So do we! All these topics are addressed by the nine EUSALP Action Groups. The EUSALP Youth Council will work together with us to implement these issues;
  • are between 18 and 29 years old on 30th June 2021;
  • are permanent resident of one of the 48 Alpine regions that belong to EUSALP;
  • have a basic understanding of English (no need to be proficient – we are a multi-lingual team and help you find your way in EUSALP);
  • are ready to commit for one year to the EUSALP Youth Council (July 2021 to July 2022). This commitment includes the participation in 2-3 physical meetings, virtual exchanges, the work in small groups on proposals and projects and the voluntary participation in events, institutional bodies and further youth activities, e.g. the Youth Camp or the Pitch your project competition.

The members of the Youth Council are selected at random. In order to ensure diversity of members, attention is paid to a balance of young people from the seven EUSALP states, from different EUSALP regions, of different genders, with different educational or professional backgrounds and with or without experience in youth organizations or projects.

If you are not selected for the EUSALP Youth Council but would still like to get involved in EUSALP, we will be happy to inform you about our other youth activities that you can participate in. 

The EUSALP states and regions cover travel and accommodation costs for meetings and events. The EUSALP Youth Council is financially supported by the European Commission and the Land Tyrol as lead partner of “youth.shaping.EUSALP”.

The application process is open until 16th May 2021. The selected candidates will be contacted by 15th June 2021. The first EUSALP Youth Council will be established on 1st July 2021.

If you have any questions about the application process, please write an e-mail to

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Inclusione social, Cooperazione, Sviluppo, Tutela ambientale
Ubicazione Investimento
Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Eusalp, Alpine region, Youth
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