EU: Prize for SESAR Young Scientist Award 2021

Data apertura
10 May 2021
Data chiusura
05 Sep 2021
Soggetto gestore
European Commission


SJU Prize for SESAR Young Scientist Award 2021.

The Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research and Development (“SESAR”) project aims to modernise the air traffic management (ATM) in Europe and represents the technological pillar of the Single European Sky (SES). It aims to provide the European Union with a high performance air traffic control infrastructure, which will enable the safe and environmentally friendly development of air transport.


The SESAR Young Scientist Award 2021 (YSA 2021) aims to recognise young scientists with high potential contributing to the scientific research in the field of air traffic management and aviation. In addition, the award also provides a mechanism for further personal development.

The SESAR Young Scientist Award is a financial reward of the individual scientific achievements. This financial contribution or “Prize” will be awarded following a public contest.

The SESAR Young Scientist Award 2021 is published and managed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking (hereafter referred to as the “SJU”) and the result will be announced at its SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) event, which is the main forum for dissemination of SESAR Innovative Research results and for interaction with the wider ATM research community and industry representatives.

Applicants can apply to one of the following two categories:

  • PhD 
  • Student (Bachelor or Master)

The (up to) three short-listed Applicants for each category will be invited to join the SESAR Innovation Days 2021, where the winner of each category will be publicly announced. 

The winner of the PhD category will receive a money prize of EUR 5000. 

The winner of the Student category will receive a money prize of EUR 1500.

The (up-to) three short-listed Applicants for each category will receive: 

  • a symbolic trophy;
  • the opportunity to present their research at certain high profile SESAR events;
  • the opportunity to have their work publicised via the SJU communication channels; 
  • a written interview and article spotlighting them and their research to be posted on the SJU e-news and social media.

Launch of the contest: 10 May 2021

Deadline for the submission of applications: 5 September 2021

Announcement of the winners during the SESAR Innovation Days: 9 December 2021

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Industria
Formazione, Ricerca, Sviluppo
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Sju prize 2021, SESAR Young Scientist Award 2021, SESAR Young Scientist Award, SESAR
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