Calabria: programma di Internship per studenti e laureati

Data chiusura
30 May 2012
Soggetto gestore
Incubatore TechNest


Il programma Internship @ TechNest (I@T) è un'iniziativa diretta a giovani laureati e a studenti dell'Università della Calabria, in particolare a chi prepara la tesi di Laurea Magistrale o frequenta Master o Dottorati, con l'obiettivo di offrire un'esperienza in un ambiente innovativo, con imprese start-up ad alta tecnologia e su tematiche legate all'innovazione e al trasferimento tecnologico.

Come stagista presso TechNest o presso il Liaison Office, sarà possibile lavorare con professionisti operanti in vari campi e su tematiche di attuale interesse, avvicinarsi a nuove tecnologie, conoscere il mondo delle start-up, acquisire nuove abilità e competenze, arricchire il proprio CV.


Gli studenti stranieri sono incoraggiati a partecipare.

Soggetti ammissibili:
Laureati, Studenti

Area tematica:
ICT, Beni Culturali e Turismo, Ambiente, Materiali Avanzati, Energia, Salute dell'Uomo e Biotecnologie, Agroindustria, Aerospazio/Aeronautica, Trasporti e Logistica, Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Scienze Umanistiche, Scienze Socio-Economiche, Altro, Audiovisivo, Sicurezza


As a TechNest or LiO intern, you will work with professionals from various fields on a topic of current interest. Furthermore, you will learn about new and exciting technologies; experience a Start-up company; acquire new skills and competencies; and build your resume. International students are welcome to apply.

The Internship@TechNest Program (I@T) is designed to meet a growing demand for college students to gain valuable practical experience in an innovative environment, especially as related to hi-tech start-ups and technology transfer issues. I@T is designed to give interns meaningful experience by providing them with the opportunity to integrate knowledge acquired through coursework into a coherent set of applicable skills and competencies.

I@T is managed by the Liaison Office (LiO), the technology transfer office of the University of Calabria which is also in charge of TechNest, the University Business Incubator.

I@T is directed at students and graduates of the University of Calabria:

  • Students preparing their final Laurea Magistrale Thesis. Short internships are available for other university students;
  • Masters and PhD students;
  • Graduates with a Laurea Magistrale degree (within twelve months after graduation).

By complementing science and technology (S&T) skills with communication, social and economic oriented profiles, LiO currently offers services in the following five areas:

  • Intellectual Property
  • Business Creation
  • Project Development
  • Communication
  • Higher Education

TechNest currently hosts 15 S&T-based firms, mainly focused on the following three priority areas:

  • Materials and nanotechnologies
  • Quality of life and health
  • Information and communication technology (ICT).

Based on the current needs of LiO and TechNest, I@T is looking for interns in the following fields: Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Public relations, Marketing, Communications, Linguistics & Journalism, Science, and Engineering. More fields will be added as needed.

I tirocini non prevedono alcuna retribuzione.


Monetary compensation is not provided for interns.

I tirocini sono disponibili durante l'anno accademico e d'estate:

  • semestre Autunno/Primavera - circa 3 mesi;
  • Estate - 1 mese.


I@T internships are available during the academic year and summer:

  • Fall / Spring semester (about 3 months)
  • Summer (1 month)

Flexible working time, during normal working hours, with a minimum of 20 hours/week.

All students must fill out an online application packet, which includes the following:

  • Application form
  • Letter of interest stating why they want to be an intern at LiO and what they hope to gain from internship (included in the application form)
  • Resume (not more than 2 pages)
  • Letter of reference from an Advisor (professor, professional, entrepreneur) that should be sent directly to the Liaison Office ( - optional.

Prospective interns will be scheduled for an interview (in person, Skype or phone) and will be notified of a decision within 15 days.

Interns along with supervisor will determine starting day.

Internship Profiles

Company Internship Title Deadline
Liaison Office Internal and external communication 21 may 2012
Liaison Office General support of TechNest companies 21 may 2012
Altilia srl Product planning, marketing and development 21 may 2012
Oktago srl Gamification 30 may 2012

Periodicamente, Liason Office pubblicherà gli annunci dei posti di lavoro non appena saranno disponibili da parte di TechNest aziende e Lio.

Gli stagisti sono assunti part-time e i progetti saranno assegnati in base alle loro competenze e ai loro interessi.


Periodically, LiO will publish job descriptions as they become available from both TechNest companies and LiO.

Interns are hired on a part-time basis and are assigned projects based on their skills set and interest.

Each intern works under the direct supervision of a designated staff from a TechNest incubated company or from the Liaison Office.

Since this is a new program, the number of interns is limited in order to provide quality supervision, feedback and training experiences.

LiO views this internship program as beneficial to students, LiO staff, and in particular the Start-ups companies that it manages through TechNest.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Audiovisivo, Alimentare, Agricoltura, Farmaceutico, Sanità, Turismo, Ict, Energia, Industria, Sociale
Formazione, Innovazione
Ubicazione Investimento
Formazione calabria, Innovazione calabria, Calabria
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