Vodaphone Foundation Smart Accessible Awards 2012

Data apertura
30 May 2012
Data chiusura
15 Oct 2012
Soggetto gestore
Vodaphone Foundation


Nell'ambito dell'Anno europeo per l'active ageing Vodafone ha indetto un concorso per promuovere nuove applicazioni rivolte agli anziani e ai disabili.

Il concorso è rivolto agli sviluppatori di applicazioni Android 2.2+. Saranno premiate le migliori applicazioni per smartphone realizzate nelle seguenti aree:

  1. partecipazione sociale,
  2. vita indipendente,
  3. mobilità,
  4. benessere.

I partecipanti devono aver compiuto i 18 anni d'età.

Sono esclusi dal concorso i soggetti residenti in Italia e i collaboratori del gruppo Vodafone.


The competition will award the best smartphone application in four areas:

  • Social participation: refers to applications which help users to become more involved in today's society and help them benefit from using new technologies, whatever their age and/or capacity. The aim is to help everyone to access the web and social media through smartphones.
  • Independent living: refers to applications which help users with everyday tasks such as washing or opening a door easily and safely so that they can live more independently
  • Mobility: refers to applications which enable users to travel freely and safely whatever kind of transport system they would like to use. It also refers to the use of GPS and locations apps which can help guide people in unfamiliar places.
  • Wellbeing: refers to applications which improve the users' health and overall feeling of wellbeing.

Vodafone Foundation Smart Accessibility Awards is open to Android 2.2+ application developers. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Participants legally resident within Italy are not eligible to enter this Competition. Employees of Vodafone, Vodafone Group Services Limited, Guardian Media Group plc, the European Disability Forum, AGE Platform Europe, Skywrite Communications Limited, Vodafone Group Plc or any of its subsidiary or affiliated companies and anyone otherwise connected with operation or fulfilment of the Competition are not eligible to take part.

Applications entered must be fully functional and the related working Android 2.2+ APK application file submitted as part of the competition entry process.

Al termine del concorso saranno individuati 4 vincitori, che riceveranno un premio di 50.000 euro ciascuno.

Le domande devono essere presentate dal 30 maggio 2012 al 15 ottobre 2012 (ore 12.00).

La procedura di selezione si svolgerà in due tempi:

  • stage 1: tra il 18 ottobre 2012 e il 9 novembre 2012 una giuria, composta dai rappresentanti di Vodafone Foundation, European Disability Forum e AGE Platform Europe, individuerà i 12 finalisti, che riceveranno una email di notifica;
  • stage 2: i finalisti dovranno presentare i propri progetti in Spagna, dove una giuria, composta dai rappresentanti di Vodafone Foundation, Vodafone Group Services Limited, the European Disability Forum e AGE Platform Europe, individuerà i 4 vincitori.

I finalisti recatisi in Spagna dovranno presentare tutto il materiale in inglese e riceveranno un rimborso per le spese di viaggio.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.


Selection of the four winners of the Competition shall take place in a two stage process.

i. Stage One – Selection Round: All qualifying entries will be evaluated from 18th October de 9th November by a jury, consisting of representatives from Vodafone Foundation, European Disability Forum and AGE Platform Europe (the "Preliminary Jury"). The Preliminary Jury will select 12 entries (the "Finalists") at its sole discretion, Finalists shall be notified by email by 15 November 2012.

ii. Stage Two – Final Round in Spain: Finalists shall be requested to present their application in English through delivering material (presentation, video, screenshots) before the jury in Spain (Vodafone shall notify the Finalists of the exact date and location of the final by 16 November 2012)(the “Final”), consisting of representatives from Vodafone Foundation, Vodafone Group Services Limited, the European Disability Forum and AGE Platform Europe (the “Final Jury”). Finalists shall receive a reimbursement for their reasonable travelling costs in travelling to the Final. Finalists must be present at the Final to be eligible to be a winner, and Finalists who fail to deliver material and further information about their application at the Final forfeit their place and the Final Jury shall be entitled but not obliged to offer the forfeited place to any other Finalist. The winners will be selected at the Final and the Final Jury’s decision is final. In the event of a tie, the Vodafone Foundation’s representative will abstain from voting. The panel of judges, whose decision shall be final, will choose the most apt entry from all complete, eligible, properly submitted entries received by 15 October 2012.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Innovazione, Inclusione social, Cooperazione, Sviluppo
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Vodaphone, ICT, Active ageing, Invecchiamento attivo
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