V-MUST: contributi per la formazione sul tema dei Musei Virtuali - C4-6/2012

Data chiusura
30 Sep 2012
€ 30 000
Soggetto gestore
European Commission


Invito a presentare proposte per la formazione sul tema dei Musei Virtuali, nell'ambito del network europeo V-MusT.

Il network europeo V-MusT promuove la realizzazione di musei virtuali per la preservazione del patrimonio culturale dell'Ue. Attraverso l'azione 'V-MUST Development Camp' il network intende selezionare partner, idee e progetti di ricerca per la realizzazione di musei virtuali.


L'invito si inserisce nell'ambito del programma di formazione e mobilità; l'obiettivo è individuare ricercatori e professionisti che possano partecipare al 'V-MOVE mobility program'.

L'invito è rivolto a studenti laureati, ricercatori e professionisti (anche alle prime armi) del settore.

Saranno selezionati 30 candidati.


The call for mobility is part of V-MUST program of Training and Mobility. It is the call directly related to the V-MOVE program, that is V-MUST mobility or intern-ship program. V-MOVE is an international training programme for heritage professionals and researchers in the field of virtual museums, aiming to enhance the skills and knowledge of digital visualisation and communication technologies, focused on virtual museums. The V-MOVE innovative and experimental training integrates multi-disciplinary research across social, historical, humanistic and technological sciences.

V-MOVE is open to cultural heritage professionals and researchers. Postgraduate students, early-career researchers and early-career heritage professionals are strongly encouraged to apply.

The duration of internships is normally between 12 – 24 weeks, however in some cases it is accepted minimum 4 and maximum 52 weeks.

Sono previste due tipologie di contributo:

  • tipo A: rimborso viaggi e alloggio fino a 2.000 euro,
  • tipo B: rimborso viaggi e alloggio fino a 1.000 euro.


There are two types of grants: Type A and Type B, in accordance with the country where the internship period will be held. The successful applicant will be able to claim reimbursement for travel and accommodation costs of up to 2.000 (Type A) or €1.000 (Type B). The recipient will arrange his/her travel, accommodation (and, optionally, subsistence) through their home institution or, where this is not possible, the host institution. Any costs not claimed within 3 months of the enddate of the internship will not be reimbursed.

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 30 settembre 2012.

Sono previsti 16 programmi di mobilità:

  1. BELGIUM - Visual Dimension bvba (Belgium) - Title: 3D acquisition, modeling and virtual reconstruction
  2. CYPRUS - The Cyprus Institute (Cyprus) - Title: 3D data acquisition and processing

  3. GERMANY - Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt - Augumented Reality and X3Dom

  4. GREECE - Foundation of the Hellenic World (Athens) - Virtual Museum of the Historical Monument of Agia Sophia

  5. IRELAND - Noho (Dublin)- 3D visualisation and animation, interactive design and narrative

  6. ITALY - CINECA (Bologna)- Cloud-based remote visualisation, Web-based large-scale visualisation and Digital Asset Management

  7. ITALY - CNR ITABC (Rome)- Landscape reconstruction and web3D interaction

  8. ITALY - NoReal.it (Turin) -3D Content for Virtual Heritage

  9. SPAIN - University of Balearic Islands (UIB) - Virtual reconstruction of the Cathedral of Majorca

  10. SPAIN - Universitat Politècnica de València - 3D data acquisition and processing: photogrammetry and 3d modelling

  11. SPAIN - University of Santiago de Compostela - Virtual reconstruction and Human-Computer Interaction

  12. SPAIN - VideaLAB - Universidad de A Coruña - Virtual reconstruction and real time visualisation

  13. SPAIN - Virtualware (Bilbao) - Virtual museums and serious games

  14. SWEDEN - Lund University - Computer Vision in Virtual Archaeology

  15. UK - King’s College London - 3D modelling and virtual restoration

  16. UK - University of Brighton - Virtual Museum: economic impact assessment and business modelling

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Ict, Cultura, Sociale
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Cultura, V-MUST, Formazione
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