Concorso internazionale DepicT! 2012

Data chiusura
09 Jul 2012
Soggetto gestore
Bristol Encounters


"Can you do it in 90 secs? DepicT! 2012" è un concorso internazionale dedicato ai cortometraggi.

Il concorso è rivolto ai giovani registi di tutto il mondo. I corti devono avere una durata massima di 90 secondi, utilizzare una qualunque tecnica di produzione (tranne che per il settore pubblicitario) ed essere stati realizzati entro settembre 2011.



DepicT! is Watershed’s international short film competition that, since its creation by Brief Encounters in 1998, has been challenging filmmakers to create 90 second ultra-short masterpieces.

We want filmmakers worldwide to show their stuff in just a minute and a half. DepicT! is open to anyone, on any budget, from anywhere in the world working in any genre. Just make sure your super short is distinctive, imaginative and engaging to be in with a chance of winning some priceless industry exposure and exclusive prizes.

Entry requirements:

  • Must be 90 seconds or under
  • Must be completed after September 2011
  • Open to all genres and production techniques

Il concorso offre ai partecipanti l’opportunità di dimostrare il proprio talento durante l’Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival e vincere 1500 sterline ed altri premi.


Main DepicT! 2012 Award:

  • £1500 cash and UK distribution of the winning film through the Digital Screen Network.
  • Lifetime membership to and bundle of goodies from Shooting People.

Shooting People DepicT! 2012 Audience Award:

A lifetime membership to and bundle of goodies from Shooting People, plus UK distribution of the winning film through the Digital Screen Network (thanks to Arts Alliance*)

DepicT! 2012 British Special Mention Award:

A special package of support which will both promote the winning 90-second film and further develop the filmmaker’s skills including:

  • A tailored 6-month package of industry support from BAFTA, including mentoring and free access to BAFTA’s Learning & Events programme
  • A place on a short course at the National Film and Television School in 2013
  • The British Council will collaborate with DepicT! to identify and facilitate international showcase opportunities
  • Lifetime membership to Shooting People, plus e-mentoring from senior SP members
  • UK distribution of the winning film through the Digital Screen Network (thanks to Arts Alliance*)
  • It’s a great opportunity but be aware that it does require some commitment on your part. For teams of filmmakers, note that unfortunately, we can only offer the full package of support outlined above for one of the filmmakers involved in your film. Finally note that the DepicT! British Special Mention Award winner will be asked to keep an online diary of your progress

DepicT! 2012 Shortlisted entrants:

  • Film exposure and promotion through, at Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival (18 – 23 Sept ‘12) and through associated partners
  • An Encounters Network Delegates pass with all the trimmings, including tickets to the popular DepicT! showcase and the prestigious Encounters Awards Ceremony
  • Half price Shooting People membership

Ciascun candidato può presentare fino a dieci lavori entro il 9 luglio 2012.

Se la lingua originale non è l’inglese è necessario includere sottotitoli o una trascrizione in questa lingua.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Audiovisivo, Cultura
Inclusione social, Cooperazione, Sviluppo
Ubicazione Investimento
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Audiovisivo, Depict!, Cortometraggi
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