Health Technology and Telemedicine Competition Award 2014

Data chiusura
22 Sep 2014
Soggetto gestore
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society


In occasione della European Telemedicine Conference 2014, viene lanciata HTComp, una competizione d’idee per giovani innovatori nei settori delle tecnologie della salute e della telemedicina.

Gruppi composti da giovani, con un'età media non superiore a 35 anni, possono presentare, entro ill 22 settembre, le proprie idee sotto forma di business plan, che saranno poi valutati dal comitato scientifico.


I progetti selezionati saranno presentati durante la conferenza e si divideranno i premi in palio.


The 2014 Health Technology and Telemedicine Competition Award (“HTComp”) is an international contest for young entrepreneurs and start-up firms focusing on new innovative ideas in the field of health IT and telemedicine. The competition is open to teams with members of an average age of 35 years. HTComp assigns cash prizes to the best ideas expressed in the form of business plans.

The goal of HTComp is support research and technological innovation with special reference to health IT and telemedicine. HTComp disseminates the culture of business and supports young innovators. This award focuses on outstanding ideas based on technological innovation and aiming to create new enterprises.

HTComp is open to teams of no less than two individuals whose average age is 35 years at October 1, 2014. Each team indicates a project leader and an e-mail address to receive all communications from the organizers. Participants must submit a highly innovative business idea based on scientific research in the areas of health IT or telemedicine, regardless of its stage of development, as long as it is the result of the original work of a single person or a team. Companies may also participate provided they are not established before January 1, 2014. The HTComp Scientific Committee reserves the right to exclude ideas deemed not consistent with the objectives and spirit of the initiative.

Il primo e il secondo classificato si aggiudicheranno rispettivamente 5000 e 2500 euro, assieme alla possibilità di visitare alcuni centri di ricerca negli Stati Uniti.


The top three ranking teams will present their projects in English at the ETC.
The first two ranking projects will be awarded € 5,000 and € 2,500, respectively, and will have the possibility to visit the UPMC Technological Development Center (TDC) and the Center for Connected Medicine (CCM) in Pittsburgh, PA., and receive feedback on their projects. The third ranking project will receive a certification.

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 22 settembre 2014.

European Telemedicine Conference 2014 si terrà a Roma il 7 e 8 ottobre 2014.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Farmaceutico, Sanità
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Salute, Telemedicina
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