UNESCO: Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2018

Data chiusura
31 Jul 2018
Soggetto gestore


Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2018.

Young people from 15 to 35 years old, from all over the world, with an innovative idea for an enterprise which contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals are invited to submit their best ideas and project.


Entries should be submitted in one of the following two categories:

  • Best Idea Category: innovative ideas and plans to be implemented.
  • Best Projects Category: already existing enterprise which has demonstrated social impact.

The 10 entries receiving most the public votes in each of the two categories will be considered as finalists.

Finalists will have to submit a video (max 3 minutes) of their idea/project. From among the finalists, a panel of Judges will make the final selection of three winners (Grand Prize, 2nd Prize and 3rd Prize) in each category.

Grand Prize and People’s Choice winners, Second Prize and Third Prize winners, and the Entrepreneurship Campus Prize winners will be made public at a Winners’ Announcement Ceremony at the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin in October 2018.

The deadline for entries is 31 July 2018.

Entries will be posted on the competition website and are subject to online commenting and public voting.

10 finalists in each of the two categories (Best Ideas category and Best Projects category) will be determined according to the ‘Personal Activity Indicator’ algorithm .

Finalists are requested to submit a video (max 3 minutes) of their idea/project (if they have not done so yet).

From among the finalists, the judges will make the final selection of three winners (Grand Prize, 2nd Prize and 3rd Prize) in each category.

Entries will be evaluated based on their entrepreneurial vision, feasibility, innovation, leadership, social impact, and sustainability, among other factors.

The People’s Choice Prize will be given to the entry with the largest number of votes in each of the two categories.

In addition, an Entrepreneurship Campus Prize will be given to three entrants who have demonstrated outstanding ‘entrepreneurship spirit’ by actively taking part in the Entrepreneurship Campus.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Audiovisivo, Alimentare, Farmaceutico, Sanità, Cultura, Turismo, Ict, Commercio, Energia, Servizi, Industria, Sociale, Costruzioni
Innovazione, Sviluppo, Tutela ambientale
Ubicazione Investimento
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Citizen Entrepreneurship, Unesco
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