EIT JumpStarter 2019

Data chiusura
01 Mar 2019
Soggetto gestore
European Institute of Technology


EIT Health, EIT Raw Materials and EIT Food jointly launch the EIT Jumpstarter (former Joint Business Ideas Competition) to improve cross-sectoral innovation performance in EIT RIS countries.

EIT Health co-organizes the JumpStarter Competition 2019, an innovation contest aiming to reach out, identify and support the best ideas from researchers and professionals with a potential impact in the Healthcare value chain.


A selected list of candidates will be allowed to access to the very selective training program that aims to provide expertise for business plan development an elevator pitching education.

EIT Jumpstarter is suitable for individuals with innovative business idea in the health sector, who want to gain a practical insight what it means to run a business and establish a start-up. The competition is open to all individuals and teams of natural persons permanent settled in the European Union or countries associated to the H2020 program.

Natural person: Researchers, PhD, students or research groups from universities and research organizations; professionals, entrepreneurs or idea owners that have an idea/ solution that is targeting the Healthcare market and want to start a company.

The applications can be submitted either by a single idea holder or by a team of persons represented by a contact person. There is no a pre-set number of members in a team, but maximum two (2) members are eligible for financing.

The participation of a team is welcome and appreciated in the evaluation, especially when the team is covering different competences required in running a start-up. However, a maximum number of two (2) members per team is eligible to take part in the Bootcamps and the Local Joint Trainings.

Teams of individuals with innovative business ideas in the health/food/raw materials sectors.

Maximum two members per team are eligible for financing.

Successful applicants will receive support for covering their travel and accommodation in two stages:

  • 1. Bootcamps and coaching phase. Each individual/team member will have a maximum budget of € 500 to cover his/her own individual travel and accommodation costs. Reimbursement will be at actual cost following the submission of a cost report by the individuals.
  • 2. Local joint trainings Joint Grand Final. Each individual/team member will have a maximum budget of € 500 to cover his/her own individual travel and accommodation costs attending the local trainings and the Grand Final event. Reimbursement will be at actual cost.

Prizes for the Health section at the Joint Pitch Finals are:

  • 1 st 10,000€
  • 2 nd 7,000€
  • 3 rd 5,000€
  • and two Special prizes: 5,000€

These are non-dilutive awards.

The application deadline for the programme is 1st March 2019 17:00 CET.

Selection of ideas and invitation of the bootcamps: 15th March 2018.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Alimentare, Agricoltura, Farmaceutico, Industria, Sociale, Sanità
Innovazione, Start-up, Sviluppo
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
EIT JumpStarter
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