EIEF: research projects in economics and finance
Einaudi Istitute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) funds research projects in economics and finance to foster high-quality and policy-relevant research in Italy.
Project content and characteristics
Projects can be in any field of economics and finance, provided they are:
- highly innovative and able to advance the understanding of economic behaviour, systems or policies;
- potentially able to yield at least one paper publishable in a top academic journal;
- carried out by an individual researcher based in an Italian institution or a team of researchers whose principal investigator satisfies the same criterion.
Preference will be given to projects whose principal investigator is under the age of 40 and whose research team does not include people who have obtained EIEF grants in the past 5 years.
Neither EIEF Faculty members nor other researchers under contract with EIEF are allowed to participate in this call.
The duration of each project is 1 year from the official communication of the award.
Selection: a committee appointed by EIEF will select up to 4 projects. The main criterion for selection is the quality of the project, together with an assessment of its feasibility by the proponent team.
Project duration and funding
The funds for each project are up to euros 10.000; 50% of the grant is paid upon approval, 50% upon completion and submission of the final project to the EIEF Grants Committee.
To apply fill in the online form, and send it to grants@eief.it no later than March 13, 2020.
Research proposal must be written in English.
Each proposal must contain:
- clear motivation and description of the research question and strategy;
- timeline of the project;
- financial plan, clearly identifying the financial needs;
- allocation of tasks among the participants (if there is more than one);
- a brief CV of each participant in the project.