ESPON 2013: Call for Expression of Interest for the Knowledge Support System

Data chiusura
21 Jan 2011
Soggetto gestore
European commission


Invito a presentare candidature per partecipare al Sistema di Supporto alla Conoscenza (KSS), composto da un gruppo di esperti con il compito di verificare la qualità scientifica dei progetti di ricerca finanziati nell’ambito della Priorità 1 del Programma.

I candidati dovranno dimostrare di aver esperienza e competenza nei seguenti ambiti:

  • Esperienza di ricerca nel settori di applicazione di precise tematiche del Programma, compresa la conoscenza delle struttura territoriale dell’UE, dei paesi candidati e dei paesi vicini;
  • Competenza e conoscenza in materia di problematiche legate allo sviluppo del territorio europeo, di Politica di Coesione dell'UE e, in generale, di tutte le politiche comunitarie;
  • Conoscenza del Programma ESPON 2006;
  • Capacità e competenze analitiche per la valutazione dei risultati della ricerca;
  • Esperienza di lavoro pregressa in un team multidisciplinare e in un contesto transnazionale;
  • Conoscenza eccellente della lingua inglese.

Gli esperti selezionati dovranno supportare l'attività di ricerca dell'ESPON nei seguenti ambiti:

  • dimensioni territoriali della Strategia Europe 2020,

  • scenari territoriali per l'Europa,

  • governance territoriale,

  • potenzialità territoriali legate alla green economy.


Experts (i.e. scientists and/or practitioners) taking part in a Sounding Board must have a verifiable sufficient professional experience in a specific field of applied territorial research of the ESPON 2013 Programme. They shall prove their competence by their CV, stating the different stages of their professional career and the main issues they have been dealing with, either in the form of applied research projects being involved in or in the form of research conducted and courses of higher education taught. If applicable, they should add a list of relevant publications they wrote or contributed to.

As mentioned above, the ideal Sounding Board will consist of one scientist from within the field of research addressed by a particular project and one practitioner. While the scientist would concentrate on providing feedback on e.g. research approach, methodologies, etc., the practitioner would focus on keeping a close link between the research going on and the applicability of its results in practice. Against this background, scientists taking part in a Sounding Board need to demonstrate the following expertise:

Research experience within the precise thematic scope of the project, including insight in relevant territorial structures and territorial trends in the EU 27, candidate and neighbouring countries;

Research knowledge and expertise in European territorial development, EU Cohesion Policy, as well as all relevant Community policies;

Profound knowledge of the results of the ESPON 2006 Programme;

Sound analytical skills and competence in assessing outcomes of research;

Experience of working in a multidisciplinary team in a transnational setting.

Practitioners, however, should have a comprehensive overview of the information need of stakeholders in the particular field of research to continuously feed that into the project. Acquaintance with the ESPON 2006 Programme and its results would be an additional benefit.

All experts participating in the KSS have to demonstrate very good oral and written communication skills in English, especially regarding text drafting. They should also be prepared to work with deadlines, give advice to project partners, and be easily reached by phone and email.

Finally, potential experts should be familiar with the ESPON 2013 Programme, its objectives, priorities and structure.

Il compenso per ciascun esperto può arrivare ad un massimo di 750 Euro per giorno lavorativo.


The total contracted sum will depend on the number of expected working days (depending on the length of the applied research project the Sounding Board is going to advice) and the number of outputs that are going to be requested. In any case, the contracted sum would be limited to 750 € per working day all taxes included.

Furthermore, Sounding Board will be granted for the relevant travels a total amount of 300 EUR for travel up to 300 km one way (between the country of residence and the location of the meeting) and 750 EUR for any other travel over a longer distance. However, Sounding Board has the possibility to claim travel costs on the basis of real costs incurred and according to the standard travel reimbursement rules applicable. Travel reimbursement rules and thresholds are available on the ESPON website (

Payments (interim and final) to the experts will be made upon submission of the relevant invoice accompanied by a short activity report listing the tasks accomplished.

The total contracted sum will depend on the number of expected working days (depending on the length of the applied research project the Sounding Board is going to advice) and the number of outputs that are going to be requested. In any case, the contracted sum would be limited to 750 € per working day all taxes included.

Furthermore, Sounding Board will be granted for the relevant travels a total amount of 300 EUR for travel up to 300 km one way (between the country of residence and the location of the meeting) and 750 EUR for any other travel over a longer distance. However, Sounding Board has the possibility to claim travel costs on the basis of real costs incurred and according to the standard travel reimbursement rules applicable. Travel reimbursement rules and thresholds are available on the ESPON website (

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 21 gennaio 2011.

Le candidature saranno valutate sulla base dei criteri elncati al punto 2.2.5 del Manuale (vedi Links).

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Cultura, Pubblica amministrazione, Sociale
Ricerca, Inclusione social, Cooperazione, Tutela ambientale
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Contributo, Premio, Borsa di studio
ESPON, Ricerca, Innovazione
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