Premio internazionale Best of Biotech

Data apertura
15 Feb 2012
Data chiusura
25 May 2012
€ 40 000
Soggetto gestore
Life Science Austria


Concorso internazionale BOB "Best of Biotech - get your business started".

BOB, "Best of Biotech - get your business started", è un concorso internazionale di business plan nelle scienze della vita organizzato da Life Science Austria (LISA), un programma sviluppato da Austria Wirtschaftsservice a nome del Ministero austriaco per l'economia, la famiglia e la gioventù.




  • Motivating scientists and other creative individuals in the life sciences to become entrepreneurs;
  • To translate life science innovations into professional business plans and presentations through comprehensive and individualized coaching for its participants;
  • High visibility of the winners in the life science community and networking opportunities for all;
  • Encouraging commercial exploitation of applications-oriented scientific research and innovation;
  • Continued promotion of Austria and Central Europe as a life science business incubator.


  • Students, post-graduates, experienced scientists and other creative individuals who wish to translate their promising and marketable life science innovation into a business idea and a professional business plan;
  • Life sciences include the following areas:
    • Red biotechnology (Biopharmaceuticals for humans or animals);
    • Green or blue biotechnology (Agro-biotechnology or marine biotechnology);
    • White biotechnology (Biotechnology applied to industrial processes);;
    • Medical Technology/Medical Devices
    • Supply and service applications in the life sciences (e.g. new sequencing methods, bioinformatics);
  • BOB is open to individuals and teams from all countries. If you participate in phase 2 of the competition, be prepared to travel to Vienna in October 2012 to personally present your business plan to the jury. Though not obligatory, attendance at the workshop, the one-on-one meetings, the coaching session and the award ceremonies/networking events is highly recommended;
  • Entities that have already been incorporated may participate as long as they are not older than 1 year at the submission deadline of the respective phase.

Ammontare dei premi nelle due fasi

  • Fasi 1: 3 x 1,500 € for the best business ideas;
  • Fase 2: First Prize: 15.000 euro; Second Prize: 10.000 euro; Third Prize: 5.000 euro; LISAvienna Medtech Award, the leading venture capital marketplace in the German speaking area: 10.000 euro; All winners have free entry into the EXBA Exchange for Business Angels.

Il programma si sviluppa in due fasi.


Phase 1

Phase 1 takes place between February and May 2012. During this period contestants develop and submit 5-page business ideas. The 3 best business ideas are awarded a cash prize of € 1,500 each.

  • Obligatory registration for phase 1 before the deadline on 7 March . After registration contestants can log in to use the online submission function during phase 1;
  • Online submission of the business idea, a document of no more than five pages before 15 April, which should provide information on the following 6 points:
    Innovative character of the idea;
    Benefit to the customer/Unique selling proposition (USP);
    Market and Competition;
    Protection of the idea;
    Profitability scenario;
  • Format: Word or PDF-document, Paper size A4, font size 10-12, line spacing 1-1.5. Apart from the content, the formal quality of the business idea will also be evaluated. The formal criteria are length (≤ 5 pages), structure as outlined above, clarity, precision, relevance and whether the explanations provided are easy to understand. Maximal two additional pages with figures and tables, clearly marked as "Appendix";
  • Detailed help on how to set up and formalize the business idea summary is provided in section 2 of the BOB handbook;
  • At the one-on-one meetings the participants are provided with an intensive coaching in industrial property rights, market research, business strategy and finance. Participation in these one-on-one meetings is not mandatory, but highly recommended. The meetings take place at our regional partners, an online tool for scheduling an appointment with the particular partner will be provided;
  • Networking with BOB participants and alumni at the award ceremony for the best three business ideas on 10 May 2012.

Phase 2

Phase 2 takes place between May and October 2012. During this period contestants develop and submit their business plans. The best 3 business plans are awarded cash prizes of € 15,000, € 10,000 and € 5,000 respectively. The best medical technology business plan receives the LISA Vienna Medtech award.

  • Obligatory registration for phase 2 prior to the deadline on May 25. After registration contestants can log in to use the online submission function during phase 2;
  • Online submission of business plans and jury presentation before 29 July;
  • Selection of the best ten business plans on 10 September and invitation of up to two team leaders of the respective teams to an intensive two-day coaching session on 21-22 September 2012. During this event, experts provide individualized feedback and advice on the business plans, the jury presentation is simulated and an intensive presentation training to refine presentation techniques is organized. Participation in this coaching session is not obligatory, but highly recommended;
  • Following the coaching session, optional resubmission of the reworked business plans and (jury presentation) before 07 October . If no updated version of the business plan is submitted, the original version (submitted on 29 July) will be evaluated by the Jury;
  • The jury presentations by the best 10 teams will be performed to an international jury of distinguished experts from the worlds of science, industry and finance on 17-18 October. The jury will then select the best 3 business plans as well as the best medical technology business plan;
  • Announcement of the winning teams will take place at the award ceremony and gala closing festivity on the evening of October 18 2012 in Vienna. All 10 teams are invited to the award ceremony.

The BOB jury is made up of distinguished experts from the worlds of science, industry and finance and will be responsible for selecting the three best business plans as well as the winner of the LISAvr Medtech award in phase 2. The jury also provides extensive feedback to all presenting teams. All jury members have signed a strict confidentiality agreement.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Alimentare, Agricoltura, Farmaceutico, Servizi, Industria, Sanità
Innovazione, Ricerca, Start-up, Sviluppo
Ubicazione Investimento
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Premio biotecnologia, Premi, Biotecnologie, Biotech
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