FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - Energia, bozza del Work programme 2016-2017



E’ di oltre un miliardo e 300 milioni di euro il budget del Programma provvisorio per l’energia di Horizon 2020

La Commissione europea ha pubblicato la bozza del Programma di lavoro della terza sfida sociale, ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’, di Horizon 2020. Entro metà ottobre sarà approvata la versione definitiva del nuovo Work programme.

Il Programma di lavoro è uno strumento chiave dell’Unione per energia, volta a promuovere un sistema energetico sicuro, sostenibile, competitivo e accessibile.

Il Work programme prevede, tra gli altri strumenti, 2 inviti a presentare proposte (call), articolati in vari temi (topic):

1. Call - Energy Efficiency Call 2016-2017

1.1 Heating and cooling

  • EE-01-2017: Waste heat recovery from urban facilities and re-use to increase energy efficiency of district or individual heating and cooling systems
  • EE-02-2017: Improving the performance of inefficient district heating networks
  • EE-03-2016: Standardised installation packages integrating renewable and energy efficiency solutions for heating, cooling and/or hot water preparation
  • EE-04-2016-2017: New heating and cooling solutions using low grade sources of thermal energy
  • EE-05-2016: Models and tools for heating and cooling mapping and planning

1.2 Engaging consumers towards sustainable energy 

  • EE-06-2016-2017: Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy
  • EE-07-2016-2017: Behavioural change toward energy efficiency through ICT 
  • EE-08-2016: Socio-economic research on consumer's behaviour related to energy efficiency
  • EE-09-2016-2017: Engaging and activating public authorities

1.3 Buildings

  • EE-10-2016: Supporting accelerated and cost-effective deep renovation of buildings through Public Private Partnership (EeB PPP)
  • EE-11-2016-2017: Overcoming market barriers and promoting deep renovation of buildings
  • EE-12-2017: Integration of Demand Response in Energy Management Systems while ensuring interoperability through Public Private Partnership (EeB PPP)
  • EE-13-2016: Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy buildings
  • EE-14-2016-2017: Construction skills

1.4 Industry, services and products

  • EE-15-2017: Increasing capacities for actual implementation of energy efficiency measures in industry and services
  • EE-16-2016-2017: Effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation
  • EE-17-2016-2017: Valorisation of waste heat in industrial systems (SPIRE PPP)
  • EE-18-2017: Energy efficiency of industrial parks through energy cooperation and mutualised energy services
  • EE-19-2017: Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions for energy efficiency
  • EE-20-2017: Bringing to market more energy efficient and integrated data centres
  • EE-21-2016: ERA-NET Cofund actions supporting Joint Actions towards increasing energy efficiency in industry and services

1.5 Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments

  • EE-22-2016-2017: Project Development Assistance
  • EE-23-2017: Innovative financing schemes
  • EE-24-2016-2017: Making the energy efficiency market investible
  • EE-25-2016: Development and roll-out of innovative energy efficiency services


2.1 Towards an integrated EU energy system

  • LCE-01-2016-2017: Next generation innovative technologies enabling smart grids, storage and energy system integration with increasing share of renewables: distribution network
  • LCE-02-2016: Demonstration of smart grid, storage and system integration technologies with increasing share of renewables: distribution system
  • LCE-03-2016: Support to R&I strategy for smart grid and storage
  • LCE-04-2017: Demonstration of smart transmission grid, storage and system integration technologies with increasing share of renewables
  • LCE-05-2017: Tools and technologies for coordination and integration of the European energy system

2.2 Renewable energy technologies

Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies

  • LCE-06-2017: New knowledge and technologies
  • LCE-07-2016-2017: Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling
  • LCE-08-2016-2017: Development of next generation biofuel technologies

Demonstrating innovative renewable energy technologies

  • LCE-09-2016: Increasing the competitiveness of the EU PV manufacturing industry
  • LCE-10-2017: Reducing the cost of PV electricity
  • LCE-11-2017: Near-to-market solutions for reducing the water consumption of CSP Plants 
  • LCE-12-2017: Near-to-market solutions for the use of solar heat in industrial processes
  • LCE-13-2016: Solutions for reduced maintenance, increased reliability and extended lifetime of off-shore wind turbines/farms
  • LCE-14-2017: Demonstration of large >10MW wind turbine
  • LCE-15-2016: Scaling up in the ocean energy sector to arrays
  • LCE-16-2017: 2nd Generation of design tools for ocean energy devices and arrays development and deployment
  • LCE-17-2017: Easier to install and more efficient geothermal systems for retrofitting buildings
  • LCE-18-2017: EGS in different geological conditions
  • LCE-19-2016-2017: Demonstration of the most promising advanced biofuel pathways
  • LCE-20-2016-2017: Enabling pre-commercial production of advanced aviation biofuel

Supporting the market uptake of renewable energy technologies

  • LCE-21-2017: Market uptake of renewable energy technologies

Fostering international cooperation in the area of renewable energy

  • LCE-22-2016: International Cooperation with Brazil on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels 
  • LCE-23-2016: International Cooperation with Mexico on geothermal energy

  2.3 Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a lowcarbon economy

  • LCE-24-2016: International Cooperation with South Korea on new generation highefficiency capture processes
  • LCE-25-2016: Utilisation of captured CO2 as feedstock for the process industry
  • LCE-26-2016: Cross-thematic ERA-NET on Applied Geosciences
  • LCE-27-2017: Measuring, monitoring and controlling the risks of CCS, EGS and unconventional hydrocarbons in the subsurface 
  • LCE-28-2017: Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants
  • LCE-29-2017: CCS in industry, including Bio-CCS
  • LCE-30-2017: Geological storage pilots

2.4 Social, economic and human aspects of the energy system

  • LCE-31-2016-2017: Social Sciences and Humanities Support for the Energy Union
  • LCE-32-2016: European Platform for energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities research

2.5 Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy

  • LCE-33-2016: European Common Research and Innovation Agendas (ECRIAs) in support of the implementation of the SET Action Plan
  • LCE-34-2016: Joint Actions towards the demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions
  • LCE-35-2016: Framework Partnership Agreement supporting Joint Actions towards the demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions

2.6 Cross-cutting issues

  • LCE-36-2016: Support to the energy stakeholders to contribute to the SET-Plan

Tra le altre misure del Work programme ci sono:

  • Fast track to innovation scheme,
  • Strumento per le PMI,
  • premi Horizon,
  • studi e analisi.

I progetti selezionati per il settore ‘Smart cities and communities’ saranno inclusi automaticamente nell'iniziativa pilota Open Research Data Pilot, volta a garantire il libero accesso ai risultati delle ricerche finanziate dall’Ue.

Il budget provvisorio del Programma di lavoro 2016-2017 ammonta ad oltre un miliardo e 300 milioni di euro, con 674 milioni di euro per il 2016 e circa 670 milioni di euro per il 2017.

Bozza del programma di lavoro 2016-2017
Horizon 2020 - Spazio, temi e finanziamenti del Work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: Norbert Reimer / Foter / CC BY-SA

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