FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Bioindustrie – via al bando BBI JTI 2016

Aperto fino all’8 settembre il bando 2016 dell’Iniziativa Tecnologica congiunta sulle Bioindustrie (BBI JTI)

bbi - France House Hunt

> Bioindustrie - anticipazioni sul bando BBI JTI 2016

> Bioindustrie - bando BBI JTI, approvati primi progetti Ue


BBI JTI è un partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP) promosso dalla Commissione europea nell’ambito della Strategia europea per la Bio-economia con l'obiettivo di accelerare la creazione di una bio-industria europea competitiva.

Al PPP aderiscono l’Ue, con la Commissione europea, e il consorzio Bio-based Industries, composto da più di 200 membri, tra grandi imprese e PMI, cluster regionali, associazioni, istituti di ricerca e piattaforme tecnologiche, appartenenti a settori diversi, dall’agricoltura all’industria chimica.

Per il periodo 2014-2020, l’Ue ha destinato al PPP sulle bio-industrie 975 milioni di euro, tramite Horizon 2020, mentre il contributo del settore industriale ammonta a 2,73 miliardi di euro, per un totale di oltre 3,7 miliardi di euro.

Bando 2016

Il bando BBI JTI 2016, dotato di un budget di 188.650.000 euro, finanzierà progetti relativi a diversi argomenti (topic):

  • BBI-2016-D01: Improve sustainability of value chains based on forest biomass and increase productivity and profitability on supply side by adapting forests to climate changes
  • BBI-2016-D02: Improvement and adaptation of industrial crop varieties and novel sources of biomass to diversify biomass feedstock for biorefineries
  • BBI-2016-D03: Valorisation of lignin and other side-streams to increase efficiency of biorefineries and increase sustainability of the whole value chain
  • BBI-2016-D04: New and optimised biorefinery approaches enabling the creation of local value chains in underdeveloped or unexploited areas
  • BBI-2016-D05: Bio-based polymers/plastic materials with new functionalities for medical, construction, automotive and textile industries
  • BBI-2016-D06: Valorisation of the organic content of Municipal Solid Waste and contributing to the renewable circular economy
  • BBI-2016-D07: Optimise technical production routes to bio-based chemicals in bio- or chemo-catalytic processes
  • BBI-2016-D08: New sources of proteins for animal feed from co-products to address the EU protein gap
  • BBI-2016-D09: Biomass production on unused land for conversion into added-value products while ‘boosting rural and industrial development’
  • BBI-2016-F01: Valorisation of by-products or waste-streams from the food processing industry into high added-value products for market applications
  • BBI-2016-F02: Converting bio-based feedstocks via chemical building blocks into advanced materials for market applications
  • BBI-2016-R01: Valorisation of the organic content of wastewater as feedstock, contributing to the renewable circular economy
  • BBI-2016-R02: Develop consolidated bioprocesses for direct fermentation into bio-compounds for chemicals and materials
  • BBI-2016-R03: Improve control over microorganism growth in bio-catalysis operations in order to reduce/avoid contamination without antibiotics
  • BBI-2016-R04: Flexible biorefining technologies able to handle different feedstock, leading to new value chains or enlarging existing ones by using the same processing plant
  • BBI-2016-R05: Advanced biomaterials for smart food packaging
  • BBI-2016-R06: Bio-based alternatives to improve protection of human health and the environment
  • BBI-2016-R07: Biopolymers with advanced functionalities for high performance applications
  • BBI-2016-R08: Emerging technologies for conversion of the organic content of Municipal Solid Waste and improving waste-to-chemicals value chains
  • BBI-2016-R09: Exploiting algae and other aquatic biomass for production of molecules for pharma, nutraceuticals, food additives and cosmetic applications
  • BBI-2016-R10: Industrial biotransformation for the production of bio-based chemicals
  • BBI-2016-R11: Recover and reuse enzymes to reduce costs of existing industrial processes
  • BBI-2016-R12: Emerging technologies for separation and purification of fermentation products to obtain high grade bio-based molecules at industrial level
  • BBI-2016-S01: A roadmap for the chemical industry to a bioeconomy
  • BBI-2016-S02: Bioeconomy related open access research infrastructure and assessing its capabilities for industry driven development projects
  • BBI-2016-S03: Open-innovation Platform strengthening cooperation and joint development of bio-based industries and downstream sectors

Le domande devono essere presentate entro l'8 settembre 2016, ore 17.00 (ora locale di Bruxelles).

> Bioindustrie - bando BBI JTI, al via domande per fondi Ue