FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Fondi Ue - bando Horizon 2020 su tecnologie pulite

Aperto fino al 20 aprile il bando Horizon 2020 per lo sviluppo di tecnologie pulite ed efficienti

Tecnologie pulite

Horizon 2020 - in arrivo finanziamenti Ue per ricerca

Fondi Ue - bando Horizon 2020 su cambiamento demografico

La Commissione Ue ha lanciato il bando 2017 dell'Iniziativa Tecnologica Congiunta sulle celle a combustibile e idrogeno (FCH2 JTI), nell'ambito di Horizon 2020, volta ad accelerare l’introduzione sul mercato di tecnologie pulite ed efficienti nei settori dell’energia e dei trasporti.

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FCH2 JTI, PPP su celle a combustibile e idrogeno

FCH2 JTI è un partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP) che intende accelerare la penetrazione sul mercato di tecnologie legate alle celle a combustibile e idrogeno. Al PPP aderiscono la Commissione europea con la Dg Ricerca e innovazione, Hydrogen Europe, che rappresenta gli interessi del settore industriale, e l’associazione delle università e dei centri di ricerca attivi nel campo delle celle a combustibile e idrogeno, New European research grouping on fuel cells and hydrogen (N.ERGHY).

Per il periodo 2014-2020 la Commissione europea ha destinato, tramite Horizon 2020, 665 milioni di euro al partenariato FCH2 JTI, cui si aggiungono i fondi degli altri partner, per un totale di oltre 1,3 miliardi di euro.

Bando 2017

Il bando 2017, dotato di un budget di 116 milioni di euro, finanzia i temi (topics):

  • FCH-01-1-2017: Development of fuel cell system technologies for achieving competitive solutions for aeronautical applications
  • FCH-01-2-2017: Towards next generation of PEMFC: Non-PGM catalysts
  • FCH-01-3-2017: Improvement of compressed storage systems in the perspective of high volume automotive application
  • FCH-01-4-2017: Demonstration of FC material handling and industrial vehicles
  • FCH-01-5-2017: Large scale demonstration in preparation for a wider roll-out of fuel cell bus fleets (FCB) including new cities – Phase two
  • FCH-01-6-2017: Large scale demonstration of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) road vehicles operated in fleet(s)
  • FCH-01-7-2017: Validation of Fuel Cell Trucks for the Collect of Urban Wastes
  • FCH-02-1-2017: Game changer Water Electrolysers
  • FCH-02-10-2017: Transportable FC gensets for temporary power supply in urban applications
  • FCH-02-11-2017: Validation and demonstration of commercial-scale fuel cell core systems within a power range of 10-100kW for selected markets/applications
  • FCH-02-12-2017: Demonstration of fuel cell-based energy storage solutions for isolated micro-grid or off-grid remote areas
  • FCH-02-2-2017: Game changer High Temperature Steam Electrolysers
  • FCH-02-3-2017: Reversible Solid Oxide Electrolyser (rSOC) for resilient energy systems
  • FCH-02-4-2017: Highly flexible electrolysers balancing the energy output inside the fence of a wind park
  • FCH-02-5-2017: Demonstration of large electrolysers for bulk renewable hydrogen production
  • FCH-02-6-2017: Liquid organic hydrogen carrier
  • FCH-02-7-2017: Development of flexible large fuel cell power plants for grid support
  • FCH-02-8-2017: Step-change in manufacturing of Fuel Cell Stack Components
  • FCH-02-9-2017: Development of next-generation SOFC stack for small stationary applications
  • FCH-04-1-2017: Limiting the impact of contaminants originating from the hydrogen supply chain
  • FCH-04-2-2017: Harmonisation of hydrogen gas trailers
  • FCH-04-3-2017: European Higher Training Network in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
  • FCH-04-4-2017: PNR for a safe use of liquid hydrogen
  • FCH-04-5-2017: Definition of Accelerated Stress Testing (AST) protocols deduced from understanding of degradation mechanisms of aged stack components in Fuel Cell systems

Le domande devono essere presentate entro le ore 17.00 (ora locale di Bruxelles) del 20 aprile 2017.

> Horizon 2020 – ricerca e innovazione, bandi Ue per il 2017

Photo credit: theglobalpanorama via Foter.com / CC BY-SA