FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020: fondi UE Clean Sky 2 per ricerca nel settore aeronautica

Clean Sky 2A partire da oggi è possibile partecipare al nuovo bando del partenariato pubblico-privato Clean Sky 2 che mette a disposizione 34,8 milioni di euro per la ricerca nel settore dell'aeronautica.

Spazio: cooperazione BEI-ESA per accrescere investimenti in Europa

Clean Sky 2, il principale programma di ricerca europeo nel settore dell’aeronautica per il periodo 2014-2020, è finanziato con 1,75 miliardi di euro dall’UE nell’ambito del programma europeo per la ricerca e l'innovazione Horizon 2020 e con 2,2 miliardi di euro dai soggetti che aderiscono all'iniziativa, per un investimento totale di circa 4 miliardi di euro.

> Innovazione: InvestHorizon, il programma UE per imprese a caccia di fondi

Cosa finanzia il bando Clean Sky 2020

La call Clean Sky 2020 finanzia progetti innovativi che dovranno sviluppare i 35 argomenti (topic) oggetto del bando:

  • Evaluation of NDT Techniques for Assessment of Critical Process and Manufacturing Related Flaws and Defects for a Ti-alloy JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-01-46
  • Additive Manufacturing demonstration on test article for a trailing edge application with a sliding pad concept JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-01-47
  • Innovative light metallic and thermoplastic airframe section full scale testing JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-03-10
  • Development and execution of new test methods for thermoset panel manufactured in an automated tape layup of dry unidirectional fibres (UD) or non-crimped fabrics (NCF) and subsequent infusion JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-AIR-03-11
  • Concept for Pilot State Monitoring system operation in commercial aviation JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-LPA-03-19
  • Aerodynamics experimental characterization and new experimental testing methodologies for distributed electrical propulsion JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-REG-01-20
  • Thermoplastic wheel for electrical Environmental Control System JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-SYS-02-62
  • Decentralised HVDC power conversion module for innovative optimised aircraft electrical network distribution JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-SYS-02-63
  • Human Safe HVDC Interconnection components JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-SYS-02-64
  • Investigation and modelling of hydrogen effusion in electrochemically plated ultra-high-strength-steels used for landing gear structures JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-SYS-03-25
  • Replacement of cobalt in Environmental Control System bleed valves JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-SYS-03-26
  • High power density / multifunctional electrical energy storage solutions for aeronautic applications JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-THT-11
  • Advanced High Power Electrical Systems for High Altitude Operation JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-THT-12
  • Sustainability of Hybrid-Electric Aircraft System Architectures JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-THT-13
  • Scalability and limitations of Hybrid Electric concepts up to large commercial aircraft JTI-CS2-2020-CFP11-THT-14
  • Development of New digital Microphone-MEMS-Sensors for wind tunnels with open/closed test sections and flight tests JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-88
  • Advanced characterization of friction and surface damage for gears running in loss of lubrication conditions JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-89
  • Automated thermography for inspection of welded safety critical engine components JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-90
  • Development and validation of a method to predict non-linear aerodynamic characteristics of lifting surfaces with controls JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-91
  • Optimization of APU Exhaust Muffler Thermal Barrier and Air Intakes construction Technologies JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-92
  • Engine bleed jet pumps continuous behaviour modelization JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-93
  • Installed UHBR Nacelle Off-Design Performance Characteristics JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-94
  • Passive Actuated Inlet for UHBR engine ventilation JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-95
  • Analytical and experimental characterization of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic effects of closely operating propellers for distributed propulsion wing solutions JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-96
  • Insulation Monitoring for IT Grounded (Isolation Terra) Aerospace Electrical Systems JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-01-97
  • Tooling, Equipment and Auxiliaries for the closure of a longitudinal Barrel Joint: Butt strap integration and Lightning Strike Protection continuity JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-02-33
  • Tooling, Equipment and Auxiliaries for the closure of a longitudinal Barrel Joint: Overlap joint and Frame Coupling integration JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-02-34
  • Innovative disbond arrest features for long thermoplastic welded joints JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-02-35
  • Large scale aircraft composite structures recycling [ECO] JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-02-36
  • Thermoplastic fuselage repair process integrated on manufacturing line JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-LPA-02-37
  • Oxygen Absorbing Metal-Air-Batteries for Long Term Cargo Compartment Inertisation JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-SYS-01-22
  • Development of a multi-position valve with associated actuator for cargo fire protection JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-SYS-01-23
  • Airport level assessments for fixed wing aircraft JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-TE2-01-12
  • Airport and ATS Level Assessment for Rotorcraft JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-TE2-01-13
  • Reduction of the environmental impact of aviation via optimisation of aircraft size/range and flight network JTI-CS2-2020-CfP11-TE2-01-14

Sono ammissibili Azioni di innovazione (IA) e Azioni di ricerca e innovazione (RIA) realizzate da soggetti giuridici aventi sede negli Stati membri e nei paesi associati al programma Horizon 2020.

Le domande devono essere presentate a partire dal 28 gennaio 2020 fino alle ore 17.00 (ora locale di Bruxelles) del 28 aprile 2020.

> Horizon 2020: Shift2Rail, call UE per trasporto ferroviario