FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - Clean Sky 2, bando Ue per ricerca aeronautica

Aperto fino al 5 ottobre il quarto bando Clean Sky 2 per la ricerca nel settore dell'aeronautica

clean skyCampania - accordo con Clean Sky 2 per ricerca aerospaziale

> Aeronautica - ACARE Italia, roadmap per ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione

Il quarto bando Clean Sky 2, dotato di un budget di oltre 47,9 milioni di euro, finanzia progetti di ricerca e sviluppo per accrescere la competitività dell'Ue nel campo dell'aeronautica.

Clean Sky 2, programma UE per aeronautica

Clean Sky 2 è il principale programma di ricerca europeo nel settore dell’aeronautica per il periodo 2014-2020 e porterà avanti gli obiettivi del programma precedente, Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (JTI), con particolare attenzione alla riduzione delle emissioni di CO2, NOx e rumori dal 20% al 30%.

Al pari di Clean Sky JTI, Clean Sky 2 è un partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP) che coinvolge la Commissione europea, organizzazioni, imprese, centri di ricerca e università di tutta Europa.

Lo strumento è finanziato con 1,75 miliardi di euro dall’Ue nell’ambito del programma europeo per la ricerca e l'innovazione Horizon 2020 e con 2,2 miliardi di euro dai soggetti che aderiscono al programma, per un investimento totale di circa 4 miliardi di euro.

Quarto bando Clean Sky 2

Il quarto bando prevede diversi argomenti (topic):

  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-01-20: Development of a highly instrumented, modular fan module for aerodynamic and acoustic wind tunnel testing
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-01-21: Integrated Automated Test Bench Control System with Certifiable Test Documentation Functionality
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-01-22: Laminated and panoramic Cabin Windows for Business Jet applications
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-01-23: Novel manufacture of low weight skin without chemical milling
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-01-24: Multi-functional cabin rest area
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-28: Development of methods for deriving optimized shapes of morphing structures considering both aerodynamic performances and specific mechanical morphing boundary conditions
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-29: Development and Manufacturing of Prototype metallic parts
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-30: Development and manufacturing of innovative stamping dies for aluminium ribs Hot Stamping
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-31: Numerical methodologies and related tools for effect of defect prediction in manufacturing
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-32: Testing matrix optimization by interaction between numerical modelling and innovative non-contact measurement technology
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-33: Developing innovative joining concepts and their manufacturing methodologies
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-34: Hardware demonstrator development and deployment on Future Industrial Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Connected factory technologies
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-35: Development and deployment of new procedures and PLM Tools for A/C Ground Functional testing with Eco-design criteria
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-36: Development of prototype system based on Laser UT technology for high speed contactless no-couplant inspection of hybrid and thick composite structures
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-AIR-02-37: Quilted Stratum Processes (QSP) for low cost and eco thermoplastic manufacturing of complex composite parts
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-01-10: High speed turbine performance improvement through cascade tests
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-01-11: 2 VBV actuators (LHS & RHS) for Ground Test Demo 2 VSV booster actuators (LHS & RHS) for Ground Test Demo
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-01-12: Development of the investment casting process and weldability for high temperature capable superalloys
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-01-13: High load gear and bearings materials
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-01-14: Experimental & Numerical analysis dedicated to FOD Management for Turboprop Air intake
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-02-05: Substitution of Chromium(VI)-based substances for corrosion protection of Aluminum- and Magnesium alloys
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-03-13: Small-Scale Spin Test for Hoop-Burst Overspeed Assessment
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-03-14: Fuel injector coking
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-ENG-04-06: Engine Control System
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-FRC-01-11: Hydrophobic Windscreen Protection for Next Generation Civil Tilt Rotor
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-FRC-02-16: Bird strike - Erosion resistant and fast maintainable windshields
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-FRC-02-17: Flight management system providing noise abatement flight procedures for compound rotorcraft
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-FRC-02-18: Full Fairing for Main Rotor Head or the LifeRCraft demonstrator
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-18: New Acoustic Signal Processing Methods
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-19: High fidelity Large Eddy Simulation using reduced model for engine broadband noise prediction
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-20: Hybrid machining for high removal rates and surface integrity applicable for safety critical super alloy parts
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-21: Design for High AN² (Disk and Blade attached)
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-22: RIGHT (Rig instrumentation, test support & data analysis of High Speed Power Turbine)
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-23: Low Cost, Smart Tooling for Composites
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-24: High throughput micro drilling (HTMD) system
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-25: Smart amplifier and a control box for fluidic actuators
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-26: Design, Build and Test Innovative Actuation Concepts for Separation Flow Control
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-27: Development of scaled models for Synthetic Jet Actuators based on Aerodynamic Characterization in CFD, Ground and Wind Tunnel Testing
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-01-28: Divergent Aircraft Configurations
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-02-15: Development of a Multi-scale method to predict large aircraft component failure taking into consideration Manufacturing Uncertainties for Predictive Virtual Simulations
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-LPA-03-08: Active Cockpit Simulator/Ground Station Facility and Test Environment enhancement
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-REG-01-05: Green Turboprop - High lift configuration integrating adaptive wing concept - Low Speed experimental validation
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-REG-01-06: High Fidelity Integrated Non-Linear MBS Modelling of Morphing Wing
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-REG-01-07: Innovative alloy development for structural part fabrication with Additive Manufacturing Technology
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-REG-01-08: Advanced Energy Storage and Regeneration System for Enhanced Electrical Energy Management
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-REG-02-03: Electrohydraulic integration of an hybrid surface actuation systems
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-01-03: Very high brightness & compact full color display for next generation eyes-out cockpit products
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-22: Validation tests of electromechanical actuators and its dedicated control units at TRL 6 level
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-23: ECO-design based techniques and machinary for improved racking and distribution boxes manufacturing
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-24: Electrical simulation model identification method and tool
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-25: Innovative cooling system for embedded power electronics
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-26: Multivariable control approach for electrical air conditioning pack
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-27: Alternative recirculation filter for better cabin air quality
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-02-28: Analysis, validation and parametric studies of design and operating parameters for modern cabin ventilation concepts related to future aircraft energy management systems
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-03-07: An innovative Electrical Power Distribution System (EPDS) for Small Aircraft
  • JTI-CS2-2016-CFP04-SYS-03-08: Electromechanical actuation for landing gear

Le domande devono essere presentate entro le ore 17.00 (ora locale di Bruxelles) del 5 ottobre 2016.

> Aeronautica: Consiglio Ue approva il programma di ricerca Clean Sky 2

Photo credit: sigmama via Foter.com / CC BY