EU: Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration

Data chiusura
09 Oct 2018
Soggetto gestore


The Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration is set up, organised and delivered by, a French non-profit dedicated to promoting the adoption of a European Constitution, as well as European integration and federalism.

The Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration aims at:

  • Rewarding individuals and groups for efforts in promoting European integration and federalism;
  • Encouraging more citizens, in Europe and abroad, to promote, contribute to, and strengthen European integration and unity; and
  • Honouring Jean Monnet’s memory and life-long engagement in favour of European integration and federalism.

This contest is for the Jean Monnet Prize is free and open to all individuals or groups – whether formally registered as an organisation or institution or not –, regardless of their citizenship, having developed and set up or implemented (or started to implement) a project supporting European political, economic or social integration.

The project, or substantial parts of it, must have already been set up or implemented; the Prize does not seek to reward a project in need of funding to initiate its set-up or implementation.

Applicants must be over 18. In case of a group, members of the group may be below 18, provided the individual in charge of and carrying out the application be over 18.

Following the closure of the application period,’s Prize Selection Committee shall review the projects and select the winner. The Prize Selection Committee shall be solely responsible for the selection of the winner and decide at its own discretion. No recourse or appeal shall be provided and the Prize Selection Committee shall not be required to motivate its decisions. Conversely, the Prize Selection Committee shall strive to pre-empt and prevent any conflict of interest between its members and the projects under review, in order to offer a fair chance to participants.

Exceptionally, should the Prize Selection Committee find there be no suitable projects for a given year, it may decide to either extend the deadline for applications or withhold the Prize for that year. 

Once announced, the winning project’s leader(s) shall provide the Prize Selection Committee with bank details for the transfer of the prize money. shall endeavour to wire the amount as soon as possible and bear the resulting banking fees. 

Presentations of the best three projects shall be displayed on’s website.

The Prize Selection Committee will explore the opportunity to organise an official award ceremony, preferably in Brussels. No commitment for such a ceremony can, however, be made at this point.

The deadline for applications is 9 October 2018, 23:59 CST. Applications shall be sent electronically to

9 November: official announcement of the winner(s) of the Jean Monnet Prize, on the anniversary of Jean Monnet’s birth.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Inclusione social, Cooperazione
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Jean Monnet, European Integration
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