Young Ambassadors Society: Call for Y7 e Y20 Summit - G7 e G20 Youth Summit

Data chiusura
10 Feb 2021
Soggetto gestore
Young Ambassadors Society - YAS


Call for application for Summits Y7 e Y20 - G7 e G20 Youth Summit.

The Y20 and Y7 summits are the official engagement groups of the G20 and G7 summits, bringing together young leaders representing the G7 and G20 countries. 


The conferences allow young delegates from these countries to gather to discuss ideas and put forth recommendations concerning the global agenda discussed in the leaders’ G20 and G7 summits. The schedule of the youth summits parallels that of the leader’s summit; the outcome is a Final Communique’ containing proposals from the Young delegates that is passed on to the leader’s summit to make the voice of young people heard.


This year, the Y7 Summit will be held in UK at the end of May (final date to be confirmed). YAS is recruiting the four Italian Delegates that will represent Italy at the Summit.

The delegates will be called to address the following Priority Areas:

  1. Climate
  2. Digital and technology
  3. Global economy
  4. Health

Delegates have the important role of representing their countries’  youth, and as such they are called to develop a set of policies on the topic areas mentioned above with other delegates from around the world. The final set of policies, the ‘Communique’, will be delivered to the G7 leaders.

To apply, candidates must:

  1. Be aged between 18 and 30 at the time of the Summit.
  2. Be fluent in English (speaking, writing, and reading) and able to negotiate with other delegates.
  3. Have strong academic background and commitments in concrete projects/volunteer or working experience.
  4. Have demonstrated their capacity in a leadership role.
  5. Have a strong interest in foreign policy and/or global issues.
  6.  Understand global problems with a multicultural perspective.
  7. Be able to attend and commit to the Y7 Summit and preparation.
  8. Be able to finance the transportation cost from Italy to the UK.
  9. Be in posses of an Italian document.

 Delegates are expected to be proactive, engaged, and enthusiastic, individually as well as in the group. They are expected to spend time preparing the Summits (e.g. by researching topics, attending online pre-meetings and negotiations), and after the Summit (to work on possible follow-up actions).

Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for an online/telephone interview that will take place in the second half of January.


YAS is recruiting the three Italian Delegates that will represent Italy at the Summit.

 The delegates will be called to address the following Priority Areas:

  1. Inclusion
  2. Sustainability, Climate Change and Environment
  3. Innovation, Digitalization and Future of Work

Delegates have the important role of representing their countries’  youth, and as such they are called to develop a set of policies on the topic areas mentioned above with other delegates from around the world. The final set of policies, the ‘Communique’, will be delivered to the G20 leaders.

To apply, candidates must:

  1. Be aged between 18 and 30 at the time of the Summit.
  2. Be fluent in English (speaking, writing, and reading) and able to negotiate with other delegates.
  3. Have strong academic background and commitments in concrete projects/volunteer or working experience.
  4. Have demonstrated their capacity in a leadership role.
  5. Have a strong interest in foreign policy and/or global issues.
  6. Understand global problems with a multicultural perspective.
  7. Be able to attend and commit to the Y20 Summit and preparation.
  8. Be able to finance the transportation cost to the summit.
  9. Be in posses of an Italian document.

Delegates are expected to be proactive, engaged, and enthusiastic, individually as well as in the group. They are expected to spend time preparing the Summits (e.g. by researching topics, attending online pre-meetings and negotiations), and after the Summit (to work on possible follow-up actions).

 Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for an online/telephone interview that will take place in February.


  • Y7: Board and accommodation in UK will be provided. Each delegate should cover the expenses for the round trip to UK and all the costs associated to potential pre or post-summit meetings in Rome with representatives of the Italian Institutions.
  • Y20: Board and accommodation in Italy will be provided. Each delegate should cover the expenses for the round trip to the summit and all the costs associated to potential pre or post-summit meetings in Rome with representatives of the Italian Institutions.

Application deadlines:

  • Y7 Summit: 20th January 2021
  • Y20 Summit: 10th February 2021

The Young Ambassadors Society aims at promoting dialogue and cooperation between national and international young people and offers them opportunities to speak up and make an impact. Through meetings and events, we create the conditions to learn and raise awareness on many issues related to economics, science and innovation.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Inclusione social, Cooperazione
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Y7, Y20, G7, G20, Yas
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