Green Talents Competition 2012

Data chiusura
10 Jun 2012
Soggetto gestore
Ministero tedesco dell'istruzione e della ricerca


Il concorso, coordinato dal Ministero tedesco dell'istruzione e della ricerca, intende premiare i migliori progetti nel campo dello sviluppo sostenibile.

Il concorso è rivolto ai ricercatori fino a 35 anni, non tedeschi e residenti fuori della Germania, con PhD o Master nel campo dello sviluppo sostenibile.


Saranno selezionati 25 green talents internazionali che lavoreranno nelle seguenti aree:

  • strategie sostenibili,
  • efficienza energetica,
  • cambiamento climatico.


With its prestigious Green Talents Competition, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is seeking 25 outstanding young scientists (up to 35 years old) from around the world who work on answers to the urgent questions of our time:

  • Sustainability strategies in policymaking, business, and society>> Megacities: waste and water management, CO2-neutral cities and houses, disaster prevention>> Mobility: bio fuels, electric mobility, new mobility concepts
  • Resource and energy efficiency, material efficiency, recycling, and substitution with innovative materials>> Storage technologies and smart grids
  • Climate protection, adaptation to climate change>> System earth: biodiversity, land-use, and water management

Selection will be based on the applicants’ achievements in the field of sustainable development and their specific interest in cooperating with German partners.

I vincitori saranno invitati in Germania a discutere di politiche verdi, visitare istituti di ricerca e aziende rinomati, stabilire nuovi contatti e costruire reti con partner nuovi.


The selected Green Talents will travel throughout Germany in autumn 2012 and visit leading universities, research institutions, and companies. They will gather specific information about research activities and learn about opportunities for cooperation with German partners.Individual meetings with experts from some of the most renowned institutions will also form an important part of the young scientists’ visit. Moreover, the Green Talents will meet high representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The programme will also include cultural events.

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 10 giugno 2012.


Applications can only be submitted via an online registration on the Green Talents website: Here you will be guided through the application process. Please note that the application will take some time. It is possible, however, to pause and save the information you have filled in and continue at another time.You will be asked to fill out forms with personal information and questions about your academic and professional career, including specifications about university degrees, research work, list of publications, etc.You will also be asked to upload the following documents in English:>> Current letter of recommendation or expert opinion focussing on your career as a scientist and activities up until now (letter should not be older than 6 months);>> Exposé explaining your motivation for participating in the forum (two pages max.): Why do you want to learn more about Germany as a key location for sustainable research? What do you expect to gain from this experience for your future scientific career? Please explain your specific interest in the field of sustainable development and green growth, also demonstrating your interdisciplinary interest.

Nel 2013 i vincitori avranno la possibilità di tornare in Germania per un periodo di tre mesi per svolgere ricerche presso università, centri di ricerca, aziende ecc.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.


During the year following their participation in the Green Talents Forum, the winners of the competition will be invited to return to Germany for an additional research stay of up to three months at a German university, research institution, or company in order to carry out or further develop a research project. Funding will be provided by the BMBF.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Alimentare, Pesca, Agricoltura, Farmaceutico, Sanità, Ict, Energia, Servizi, Affari marittimi, Industria, Costruzioni
Innovazione, Ricerca, Sviluppo, Tutela ambientale
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Premio, Borsa di studio
Ambiente, Green talent, Ricerca
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