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Enti locali: appuntamento in Polonia con il Congresso europeo


Congresso UE enti locali - photo credit: Economic ForumLe regioni come motori dell’economia europea. È questo il tema centrale della sesta edizione del Congresso europeo degli enti locali, in programma il 6 e il 7 dicembre a Mikołajki (Polonia).

Congresso europeo Enti locali - alleanze per vincere sfida sviluppo

Nuova location, quindi, per l'European Congress of Local Governments, l’evento annuale che riunisce i più importanti funzionari statali e locali, gli imprenditori e gli esperti che si occupano di questioni regionali, ospitato negli scorsi anni a Cracovia e quest'anno organizzato a Mikołajki, nel distretto di Mrągowo.

Nonostante le amministrazioni locali abbiano un forte impatto sulla vita economica e sociale di un Paese, spesso il loro potenziale viene sottovalutato nel rapporto con le autorità centrali. "Occorre riconoscere, poi sbloccare e infine fare il giusto uso delle opportunità offerte dal luogo e dalle sua peculiarità. Questo è il modo in cui noi guardiamo all'Europa ed è questa la prospettiva che vogliamo mostrare durante il Congresso", ha sottolineato Zygmunt Berdychowski, l'organizzatore della manifestazione.

Il programma della due giorni prevede 13 percorsi tematici, con oltre 100 eventi tra sessioni plenarie, tavole rotonde, workshop, conferenze, presentazioni e dibattiti. Sono attesi circa 2000 partecipanti, provenienti da quasi 40 paesi di tutto il mondo.

Il gala di premiazione sarà uno dei momenti più importanti del Congresso, durante il quale verranno assegnati i premi ai migliori governi locali del paese. L'anno scorso Dobra Szczecińska ha ottenuto il riconoscimento di miglior comune rurale, mentre il titolo di miglior comune rurale-urbano è andato a Dziwnow. Il premio per la migliore contea è andato invece a Konstancin-Jeziorna, mentre Poznań è stata nominata la migliore città della contea, insieme a Varsavia; mentre Podkowa Leśna ha ottenuto il titolo di migliore città.

> Economic Forum 2019 – in Polonia il confronto sull'Europa di domani

I temi in agenda

I numerosi gruppi di discussione previsti durante il Congresso - organizzato dall'Istituto per gli studi orientali, responsabile del successo del Forum economico di Krynica - saranno suddivisi in percorsi tematici con focus su: finanza, società, investimenti, sviluppo, innovazione, economia, ambiente, salute, politica, media, business e management, cooperazione internazionale, e infrastrutture.

Questi gli argomenti al centro del Congresso:

  • Conscious and Integrated Management as a Challenge for Cities
  • How to Create a Positive Image of the Region?
  • Does Life in a City Have to be Burdensome?
  • Local Patriotism in Economy. Can Regional Business Be an Alternative to Large Companies?
  • Instruments for activating entrepreneurship and improving the situation on the labor market
  • Entrepreneurship as a Solution for Better Shaped (post) Industrial Cities and Regions
  • Challenges and Barriers to E-commerce Development in Poland
  • Cooperation between SMEs and Local Communities. How Can Local Governments Support Small and Medium Entrepreneurs?
  • The New Financial Perspective 2021-2027. Are Local Governments Prepared for it?
  • How to Spend EU Funds Wisely?
  • The Debt of Local Governments. Secure Budget or Investments for Citizens?
  • The Influence of the Wine Industry on the Development of the Region
  • Is There Room for Solidarity and Social Economy in Local Politics?
  • Local Products – A Source of Regional Pride in the Global Markets
  • The Future of Europe and Sustainable Development. Is It Only About the Level of the GDP Factor?
  • A Recipe for A Region’s Economic Success: Services or Industry?
  • Intelligent Transport Infrastructure. Towards Less Congested and Safer Cities
  • Ports or Airports? Competition and Cooperation in the Transport Infrastructure Sector
  • Intelligent Buildings. Prospects for the Development
  • Urban Space: Mastering the Art of Compromise
  • Urban Heating Systems. Solutions, Concepts, Challenges
  • Cybersecurity Locally – How Can Local Governments Defend Themselves Against Cyberattacks?
  • Road Safety and Transformation of Technical Infrastructure
  • Revitalization without Gentrification – Positive Examples of Urban Development
  • e-City – Why Should Public Services Be Digital?
  • 5G City – Are We Facing a Technological Revolution In the Cities Of the Future?
  • Future Proof City – How To Design A Timeless City?
  • The Role of Technology Parks in Business Growth
  • Smart Village – European Experience versus Polish Reality
  • Disruption Takes a New Turn: 5G-driven IoT is on Track to Accelerate Smart City
  • How to Create Intelligent Regional Specializations?
  • Electromobility. A Key to Transport Success in the City of the Future
  • Smart City Platforms as a Communication Tool with Officials
  • Post-industrial Cities 2.0 – How To Make Wise Use Of The Potential Of Post-Industrial Areas?
  • Time of Medium Cities – Will Investments Reverse Negative Trends?
  • Invest in Region! – How to Use the Investment Potential of Cities and Regions?
  • Locality as a Factor of Political Identity in the 21st Century
  • Culture as an Economic Development Engine of the Region
  • Islands, Autonomous Regions, Enclaves – Independent Territorial Units or Still the State?
  • The Citizen and the European Union. In Search of Solutions to the Problems of Today’s Europe
  • Cities – The New Actor in International Relations?
  • The Local Dimension of Geopolitics. A Chance or a Curse?
  • Small Can Do More: Development of Medium and Small Cities
  • Clusters as a Way for Regional Development
  • Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Cities and Regions
  • Local Government and Investor. Influence of Investments on the Development of the Local Governments
  • Between Centralism and Decentralism. Models of Self-Government’s Development
  • Sport in Local Government – How to Invest Effectively and Promote the Region?
  • Regions and Cities Attractive to Tourists as a Driving Force of the State Economy
  • Tourism of the Youth – a Problem or a Development Factor?
  • Discovering Undiscovered – New Destinations in Tourism
  • Cultural Routes. Beer, Castle or Mine – How to Effectively Promote the Region?
  • Shopping Tourism – A New Trend or Reaction to a Sunday Trade Ban?
  • Do Local Governments Focus on Cycle Tourism?
  • Agritourism – A Chance for Development of Rural Areas
  • Can Tourist Resorts in the Carpathians Compete with the Alps?
  • Cities for Runners. How to Support Physical Activity in Agglomerations?
  • Ecotourism and the Cultural and Natural Values of the Regions
  • Thematic Block Tourism in Mountain Regions – How to Make It Competitive?
  • Tourism in Mountain Regions – How to Make It Competitive?
  • How to Communicate Effectively with Residents?
  • The Impact of Negative Demographic Trends on the Functioning of Local Governments
  • Inhabitants Friendly Local Government – What Does It Mean?
  • A City Co-created by a Citizen. How Real Is the Influence of Local Inhabitants on the Image of a Modern Commune?
  • Sustainability – The Key To Urban And Regional Development
  • Zero-emission Cities – Utopia or Achievable Target?
  • Green Deal in Europe: From Global to Regional Perspective
  • National Parks Cooperation: How to Protect Common Natural Heritage?
  • Sister Cities and Regions: Real Partnerships or Just an Empty Symbol?
  • European Promotion of Regions: Successful Lobbying Strategies
  • Foreign Support for Local Development Programmes. How to Take Advantage of the Knowledge and Experience of Western Europe?

European Congress of Local Governments

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